Help finding Warehouse+Office for LEASE
I am in the process of setting up a business soon, but I am new to this place and would be grateful for any info regarding prices of warehouse + office (together)for RENT/LEASE. Warehouse size of around 100-150 sq/m. Not need for location whithin the city. 10 to 20 minutes drive from Doha would be fine.
Any ideas of the price? Any useful contact numbers of agents?
Many Thanks!
dear all
pls help me we need small office for rent if you have pls
thanks so much guys
i will work on that ASAP
sorry double post by mistake. cheers
friend of mine said he has a newly built warehouse with office space and accomodation for rent. may be you can contact him Mr. Ahmed 5215202. you may refer my name. all the best.
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