Can anyone help me with what i should feed a few day old kitten!?!?!?
Basically what happened is that a family of cats (that don't belong to anyone) was just in our compound but then mum and the other two kittens disappeared and left one! so after just waiting and seeing that they had left one we decided to sort of rescue it!
The Felix kitten milk they sell is for slightly older kittens that will supplement their meat diet that they will start on.
If there was a kitten milk for sale that we could use for kittens other then the formula we have to buy at the vets, we would... as the vets are more expensive and QAWS really battles to afford it. I am sure the one by Felix is probably cheaper, but not used to feed tiny kittens:-(
Puppies are so much easier - we have found a recipe online by a reputable breeder that uses it from birth till bottle feeding is over and is so much cheaper than the vet formula (puppies can also use lactol free baby milk)- but with kittens their digestive tracts are much more sensitive.
wow... work done...
Xena- I have seen Felix Kitten Milk in Carrefour many times. Ofcourse Vet will have better one.
Will try get there first thing in the morning:-)
you cannot buy kitten formula from the supermarket. I had said to go to the vets as they are the ones who stock the milk you required.
So happy to hear the news though:-) Hope it all works out.
Saeed...we'll never know now,will we? !!!! :-)
Brill......result!!!! Well done for your care and concern.
Roxi...if it is more than about 10 days old the eyes will now be open....are they? It will also be more up on its legs,rather than dragging itself around. I'm no expert,but I have known a female dog rear kittens,so I assume puppy milk will be ok! Try it, if all else fails!
thank you all for your helpful comments :) But its all ok now! We went out of our compound to see if we could find the cat family and sure enough she was in the compound next to us with the other two kittens, so we rushed back and took the kitten to her and thankfully as soon as we put the kitty down mum came rushing over to investigate and then after a bit of sniffing she picked the kitty up to the others and lay down to let them all drink milk. :D
Thanks again!
oh and we have figured out its a bit older than a few days, its probably around 2 or 3 weeks old
ok guys! another crisis! there is no kitten milk formula or anything in carrefour, they just have stuff for puppies! what do i do? :S
Xena...they didn't appear to have many so get there quick! They are in the aisle near to the make-up! On left as you look towards checkouts.
Whenever I need one, I can never find them... I will go and see if I can buy a few so I have them on standbye:-)
oops sorry DP!!! Puppy on knee!
Just for your info...they have hotwater bottles in carrefour,villagio at the moment....saw them this afternoon! Good luck with kitty.Let us know how you get on.
Just for your info...they have hotwater bottles in carrefour,villagio at the moment....saw them this afternoon! Good luck with kitty.Let us know how you get on.
thank you all for the help and advice! :) greatly appreciated!
I cannot tell you how important it is to keep the kitten warm - use a small box, or one that will fit the hot water bottle or the heating pad, alone with a towel to cover those items - you can use a themometer and adjust the heat as described in the article I have given you.
Do put a fluffy toy in with the kitten... it won't feel so alone.
Don't get a fright to, if the kitten starts to deficate on its own inside its bed, this will happen too, but don't forget to stimulate it too. A kitten should urinate often, but in my experience, they only deficate 1 time a day, 2 times at the most in the first 1/2 weeks... there after it becomes more frequent.
please take a read through this site
I have gone through it and it gives you the info you need to hand rear this kitten. However, I must warn you, that handrearing such tiny kitten can be harrowing and success is only 20 - 40%. Meaning, no matter how well you take care of it, death is always a nearby factor. Please don't let it upset you or feel like you've done something wrong if this happens. Kittens, unlike puppies are way more sensitive and require mom's care and attention more than puppies do. Also, there is a reason that the mom left this kitten behind - she probably felt it wasn't going to survive - survival of the fittest and all that....
1) Don't feed cows milk - You will find Baby Kat milk at the vets - they will also have kit for you to feed the kitten with.
2) Do keep the kitten as warm as possible - they cannot regulate their own body temperature - so finding a hot water bottle( a difficult task in Doha, I have tried) or a heating pad will work as an external source of heat - never putting the kitten directly on these items as they can scold, or electricute in the case of the heating pad.
3) Do make sure to keep the kittens bowels stimulated with warm damp cotton wool - this is done after the 6 feeds at 3 hourly intervals. You rub the cotton wool over the kitten's private areas in the same manner the mom would lick the kitten to do the same.
Please do read the site info I have given you, and try to find anything else useful on the internet pertaining to hand rearing kittens.
Oops... my mistake...its just few days old... u will get Felix kitten milk in malls. get it and feed it with baby milk bottle...
here is the link:
a powderized milk e.g.NIDO or anything,then mixed with warm water not above 37 degree,then try to buy baby milk bottle,to feed your small kitty,for the first 2 weeks its difficult to nurse your kitty,but you need to be patient if you really want him/her to be alive.any powderized milk that is available on the market is ok just to subtitute the colostrum that kitty 1 month tryto contact a veterinaryfor further treatment.hope this will help you.
You can get Whiska's Pouches for Kitten from malls. Also as Tinker said, Do Not feed Cow's milk.
brilliant thank you so much!!!