Lost Philippine Passport - EB3862554
A passport under the name of CHONA AMISTOSO with Passport number EB3862554 was stolen last December 29,2011 at Waterhole Sheraton. If you got any information or possibilty to hand over please contact 77566263 / 66709592.
It will a big help for Chona if anyone can give information rather than go to the process of getting another one.
Philippine Passport
Passport No. EB3862554
Contact no. 77566263 / 66709592
han19 yeah it's okay but they need police report first.
Is it ok to place an ad of the same in the newspaper?
han19 Embassy is aware also.. thanks by the way. :)
What about the embassy, they should know as well. I do hope she gets it back.
the one who took the bag will really go to hell.... All important stuffs was there.. and even the management of the club did not do something or else they know who did it..
They can't even show to us the videos that time... grrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!! no one from the gang will really go back to that place! it's a nightmare for those who lose their stuffs...
han19 she already did. actually that's the purpose of this, if anyone could possibly return it because of this ad then it's a big help for her.
chai,....whether its a long process or not, you have to report it at the police station and inform the embassy as well. Passports can be misused.
Its strange that you say, the bag was stolen, but didnt think it should be reported to the police.
In the mean time, if someone finds it and returns it, then good for you.
All the Best.
Marlon: we know that. it's not easy to get a new one again. i mean the process
drovers: i just thought of putting it here to advertise, POSSIBLY it might help her even if it was 12 days ago! We are not losing hope of getting it back rather than go to the hard time process of getting a new one. I hope u understand that! i think you can't help us :)
seasons: Bag was stolen.
ambulance ?
What happened did you just wake up from the hangover???