Pre-School / Kindy & immunisation against childhood illness
By kingbamboo •
Does anyone have experience of their kids being denied joining schools in the absence of immunisations? Our daughter is 3 and we will be looking for a pre-school or kindergarten when we arrive in February. Hope that someone might be able to offer some advice.
Hi Butterfly and thanks for your reply. Measles, mumps and rubella aren't the killer diseases that they once were. The risks of having the jab do outweigh the advantages.
We are still on track for an early February arrival and will have to tackle this matter with schools when we get there.
Looking forward to getting to know you better then!
Sorry I cannot help you with schooling. I just wanted to say that I can see why you don't want to give the Jab MMR to your child. I feel just the same...
My daughter's MMR vaccine was due few weeks ago and I just couldn't take her. I read lots of research on the matter and some stuff is so scary! In a way I feel somehow gulty cos immunisation is important, we all want to protect our children from diseases. On the other hand, aren't the risks of MMR worse than the diseases themselves?
I think our countries should follow the example of Japan, who have withdrawn MMR because of the links with autism and other gastrointestinental problems.
Hi and thank you for your reply which is greatly appreciated.
My wife and I treat our daughter with homeopathic medicines. In doing so, we have avoided exposing her to the well-publicised problems associated with the triple jab MMR (measles, mumps, rubella).
She was 3 years old in August and is amongst the healthiest of the children in her nursery school group. We believe that we have her best interests in mind by avoiding the MMR jab and would be incredibly disappointed if she is denied schooling because of this.
Does anyone else have any experience of this situation?
Best regards,
Most school in Doha will require proove for child updated imunization.
Is that any reason you not immunize your child?