I invested a good amount of my hard earned money in this so called "e points" at a Malasian company as advised by so called promoter and investor in sept - oct 2007 and in nov07' the problem started. Firstly, they said they are installing new server due to huge amount of data base and hacking problem. Later another company is going to take over and now there is legal problem and it is in court. I really don't know whether the problem will get solve smoothly and get my money back and so called reginal promoter does not responds to my call and says we need to wait. Does any one has any news on this as I do not have any certificate or physical document issued by the company and I got only the money transfer records through one of the exchange co.
I know plenty people who has lost a lot of money with this same scam and same promoter.
This Swiss Cash was a scam. You will loose all your money and maybe be subject to legal steps against you as you have invested in an illigal scheme.
but hope you were not subjected to fraud ...
"The best way to predict the future is to create it".