Urgent Advice
Hi all ,
Please if anybody can advice me on this matter as my 2 years old son have dropped small door key inside my car just under the driver seat and when i have tried to pick it up i have failed and the key went deep under the carpet and could not be reached .
the thing is is it important to go to the work shop to remove the seat and search for it to pick it up or its fine to just forget about it ?? no problems for that ?? no Technical or Electrical issues ???
please help me if you can the key is not important only the feeling that this key might cause lot of problems in my car or this place just steel and metal so i can forget it .
thanking you in advance
good day
I checked with the Agent. He told me leaving Celine Dion inside the dashboard will lead to malfuctions of your emotions which in turn may lead to a Fatal Crash.
Just chill !! Come on guys... you dont know such simple things ? Key is not going to cause any problem... period... And getting the key out of there is also not a big problem either... like someone mention.. when you clean the car or change upholstery just tell them to recover the key... anyone can do it.
As for the disk... i dont think it is an issue either... seriously.. think about real car issues such as breaks, tires, engine, suspension... and dont forget to service it... something dropping somewhere not gonno do anything.. car is not a delicate darling.
try to remove it by sharp things.. otherwise it give birth to virus.. take care...
The only matter that I'm afraid if that key will result to any kind of problems in the future that is my point ,
If u have spare then leave it there
Celine Dion CD's must be destroyed.Hiding them will just bring missery and discomfort to whoever finds it in the future.
My Celion Dion CD went inside the dash board through the soace in between cd player and the indash meters.Is it OK or I have go to the Agent to remove that.
No problem as it is under the seat carpet but when you go for cleaning just tell those guys they wud help u to take the key