Visa cancellation after one year.
I am an ndian and have been working here in qatar for 10 months on a two years contract basis.
My one year QID will expire on 25 march. I dont like to continue here after one year and need to go back by cancellation.What should i Do for it?
Shoul I have any penalty from the company?
will iget any benefit or gratuity?
what if they didnt cancell me after one of my resignation letter?
Please help me and apreciate any comments.
You have to file a formal resignation letter. From there, they ask you why you want to leave the company. If they accepted your reason/s, they will allow you to go back in India and cancel your QID.
And don't forget, you will be ban for 2 years from the date of your departure in the airport. That's Qatar law for working visa.