Internet Speed October 2008
I've been having difficulty accessing web pages of newspapers in Canada, CBC and even my Yahoo email accounts.
I have the 2MB ADSL, I called Qtel, received no help, downgraded to 1MB ADSL and have the same speed and saved 100 Riyals a month. So that's something positive.
Has anyone experienced extreme slowdown or web pages not loading at all recently (Oct 2008)?
I guess it has something to do with the International Security Markets crisis ... :)
Sad to say that QTEL can't even figure out this problem.
Consumers are experiencing slowness in connection but they will say it is fine. How can it be? You have 2mbps connection but you can only use approx. 1.23 mbps.. that really suck..
I really hate monopoly.
Hi I've been experiencing some slow speeds in spring this year, I called qtel and the said the connection status looks fine. Then I started considering my Router. I've downgraded and upgraded the firmware installed on my router and things started to improve. Nowadays I can even watch international TV broadcasting. To conclude, Qtel sucks when it comes to ADSL speed, but it's not too late to consider that there may be something wrong with your router. Hope this helps. Cheers!