Macbook Pro 13" any user experiences...
Dear QLers, good morning.
Just wondered what your experiences have been using this laptop. Im looking to upgrade next month and im looking at the Mac however i have been using windows during my computer life so far. Does the OS accept windows files, what do you get with the package and what software would you recommend. Im particully interested in the garage band recording suite, is there any other software that would enhance this application and can i plug my guitar in. I also have Qtel mobile broadband and just wondered if the dongle thingy works ok, thank you in advance.
check out is a group of doha-based, mac-enthusiast individuals and might help you our with your shopping and/or switching to mac smoothly.
Go ahead without even thinking,... this will be a great move.
You can open and use all file types on MAC just like a PC. But you have to do some research on which applications you will need.
for example, MS Office on MAC doesn't support Arabic. But, you can use alternative open source apps, like Neo Office, etc.
You will enjoy the reliability, the intuitive menus and the speed. This thing doesn't hang nor freeze.
I converted 4 years ago. Took me a month to adjust and find my way around,... and now I am as happy as a clam.
Hi and welcome to the wonderful world of Mac. I have had several Mac laptopns, starting in 1999, and now have a 13" MBP, which is excellent, the best one I've had so far.
Ok, when you ask about Windows files, it will accept them without a problem, providing you have the relevant software on the Mac. For example, a Word document is usually suffixed by .doc, and if you Word on your Mac, then it will be a breeze, along with all the other Microsoft Office products. Office is available for the Mac and obviously you need the Mac version.
However, did you know that you can also run Windows on your Mac? Yes, it will boot up in either Mac OS or in Windows. THere is an application called Bootcamp. What this does is basically divides the hard drive on your mac, and installs WIndows on one half, leaving the rest untouched for your Mac stuff. You will need to have full bona fide copy of WIndows to install, and then hey presto, you have the best of both worlds. But, being a dedicated Mac user, I hardly every run WIndows on my Mac, and once you get used to it, you will quickly realise how antiquated Windows actually is.
Virtually all dongles these are literllay plug and play, so insert into USB, enter password and what not, and you should be surfing away in no time.
GarageBand - not sure about the recording suite, but have a look at the Mac App Store, it should now be included in all Snow Leopard SW updates. Did you know GB also has built in tutorials on learning to play guitar and piano? Brilliant for a beginner like me, the first lesson is there, and the others ( another 7 ) can be downlaoded free. Really easy to follow.
Best of luck, good luck, the MBP is a lovely machine.
My Macbook Pro was supplied with a faulty display.
Having been promised 4 week repair period, it took over 6 weeks and some harrassment to repair in Qatar.
Sure it is sexy and works well now.
I have recently upgraded to the Macbook, after an HP failed on me just outside its guarentee period.
By contrast my ASUS netbook worked perfectly from day one (bought 2 years ago) and still does.
I have just disposed of my first ASUS laptop, bought ten years ago in HK (still worked, BUT heavy as a brick :) Never a problem !
I question quality control of US sourced laptops.
Thank you all, btw apple what is ispot and where is it?
Once you've had mac you never go back!
Mac's are cool! Never had a probelm with mine and I can do more things easier than on a PC.
Hi. I second it. I am a mc user for some time. I got mine upgraded recently at iSpot with Windows 7 on Boot-camp and also i got the new Office for mac installed and also iLife 11. Truly amazing since now i have best of both worlds. I must say the guys at iSpot are professionals , they truly "pimped my mac" . Recommend them any time !
good move for you Rich! yes, a mac or macbook has a lot of advantages though there are downsides as well. i used to have a macbook (white) and used it for 2 years then i upgraded to macbook pro and i just love it.
aside from its ease of use, its very popular for its multimedia capabilities. most artists i know use garageband (though i dont use is at all) in composing music. Such ease of use is a characteristic cited by owners as one of Mac's chief benefits. Everything about a Mac is coordinated to produce a computer that fulfils a wide-ranging set of tasks in as simple a manner as possible, without compromising creativity and fun. From the clarity of the display and ergonomic features of the keyboard, to the most sophisticated graphics software, Apple has made each Mac's hardware and software simple and accessible. This is why Macs prove so popular in schools and colleges.
The upside of the White MacBook is firewire, a real important feature for amateur and prosumer musicians and videographers.
yes, you can use windows files and even use windows there (there are several software that can do this, i use Parallels).
it is a good step for you to switch to mac..
The process of moving your files from a PC to a Mac is straightforward. Just download the files to a USB or FireWire hard drive and then plug this into your Mac. Alternatively, use a network, or ask your Apple shop to do the job for you.
well there are a lot more to talk about, maybe you can drop by, there are some mac user folks who meet regularly in doha, they can assist you in so many ways.
hope this helps!