PENTAX DSLR, looking for a owner
is there around any owner of Pentax DSLR? i bought a very expensive lens which is not working properly, and i need to crosscheck if this is because of the camera body or the lens itself. Since no official Pentax dealer is around i need to find someone who own already a camera body model like K10d or more recent. THANKS!!!
It could be too late but I recently bought a Pentax K7 and suspected probelms with my kit lens(18-50).
I did a focus test and if your problem is related to focusing may be I can help you through a test. My mobile is 5489101.
If you still need some help feel free to call me.
by the way, what kind of lens did you buy?
i don't personally know anyone who owns a pentax, but i do know Salam (main branch) sells some recent pentax slr models (one or two models i think). maybe you could ask them if you could just try out your lens on one of their pentax just to check.