Type of gas cylinder and window AC
Can you pls help to clarify the below questions for me.
gas cylinder - how many types of gas cylinder there are in Doha ? For first timer, where do I get it and how muhpch ?
Window air conditioner - I know it comes in different power but may I know are they all same sizes ? The house that I'm moving to has a box whole for window AC, do i have to check the size before I buy one or it's all standard size ?
Thanks for your help.
There are two types of domestic gas cylinders currently available in Doha. One is usually available at most super markets and shops. This is from WOQOD. The other type is the steel cylinder type which is usually sold at the doorsteps by sellers on trucks. As for the A/C, the most common one used is the 1.5 ton type. I believe this should be okay for you.
Gas name - R22