where can i buy a step down transformer in doha qatar?
I was sent to qatar for work purposes.
i am going to be here for about 2 weeks.
it is the first time I travel outside of my country and i had to come here in some type of emergency.
I did not check before coming here and did not prepare for the voltage diference between american 120 and qatar 240 plugs.
my lapto and cellphone are rated 100-240V so a simple adapter was fine for those.
I also have an osciloscope and it is only rated for 120 V.
i need to buy a step-down transfromer?
where in qatar could I buy a small 100W or so transformer?
could anyone provide me with the name of a shop and an address where i could buy a step down transformer?
thank you
I got mine from Radio Shack
If your wattage requirement is less, then you can find in Carrefour. If it is high, then Radio Bashir at Arab Roundabout.
Sometimes you can find them at Carrefour. Last time I was there they only had 500 watt, but that would be sufficient for you in an emergency.
You'll find it in Al Anabi Electronics in Arab Roundabout area.
Cant help with the name of shop but you would find many in the National/Musheirab Area.