Dangerous of Plastic Bags / QL Challenge
Hi everyone,
I've just read a topic about plastic bags in carrefour & they,re not free any more.
Let's understand that's good for us, our community & our planet.
Let’s make a change &let’s stop using those plastic bags, There are other alternatives like:
First & better choice is carrying re-usable canvases/mesh bags.I understand that it’s difficult to shop carrying them specially if you are with your kids but that's why we call it challenge.
Second choice is paper bags , at least recycling papers will save trees
"Recycling 1 ton of paper saves 17 mature trees, 7,000 gallons of water, 3 cubic yards of landfill space, 2 barrels of oil, and 4,100 kilowatt-hours of electricity — enough energy to power the average American home for five months". source Wikipedia
and recycling paper will take less time & energy than recycling plastics.
Please check these two links below
All right now that they have started charging for plastic bags it would be a better idea if they can buy back the bags that they sold/used ... In that way lot of bags will be reused
look at the mods note on that thread please !
They're also useful when moving house :)
Withnail thank you for your support & I am glad also that you found something useful in the thread
tallg says:
"The funny thing is UKEng, the canvas bags do get past security - they don't even bat an eyelid. So they're basically saying that it's ok to steal stuff but only if you use carrefour's own bags to conceal it!"
so there is another reason not to use plastic but canvas bags
Thank you for your note but indeed I've read that thread & I posted this as a reaction
Because I felt that that topic is complaing about the situation so I posted this as a main topic not a replay to get more attention & that we should know that this rule is good for us & our environment * also I posted it in the right forum
So please understand & concentrate on the main subject that we should ourselves minimize PLASTIC BAGS usage .....
They also make great beach bags. :)
The funny thing is UKEng, the canvas bags do get past security - they don't even bat an eyelid. So they're basically saying that it's ok to steal stuff but only if you use carrefour's own bags to conceal it!
We now put our other shopping bags inside the canvas bags so we don't have to faff around checking them in and getting them back again afterwards.
taj_blr - the canvas bags have a large capacity, much bigger than a plastic bag. You can fit at least two plastic bags worth of shopping into a canvas bag. Therefore there far more practical for loading into and out of the car.
be sufficient to carry for the amount of shopping done. I have seen the car is absolutely full after shopping...so how many paper bags and canvas bags do we need to carry for monthly shopping.
Its true that usage of polythene bags is not good but paper bags and canvas bags cannot be used always at every instance......but v can surely try to avoid the usage of plastic bags when not needed.
tallg Gypsy.. good that you forget it .. Coz the canvas bag will not get past the security?...lol
Gypsy - I had the exact same problem at first, forgetting the canvas bags. So I ended up buying new ones each time and now have about 15 of the buggers! Good thing is I can always keep a few lying around in the car so I never forget them now!
"please at least give your QL rules so we know how to proceed."
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i just assumed "god" was a man.
ram, if you don't like the double post then why don't you just move along? i don't think anyone is talking about posting anything day by day but once and awhile double posts happen. i am glad tareg posted this as i missed it yesterday. he provided a benefit by posting this again. if nothing was to be posted twice we would have to delete a lot of posts on QL. what fun would that be?
"Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day." Withnail & I
lol tallg .. .
"like i said, i did not see the posting yesterday so i was glad to see it today."
SO is that means u can post the same stuff day by day ? dat doesnt make a sense man !!
"you could just provide the link instead of lecturing tareg about doing a search."
READ my post.. i was not lecturing .. i was 'pleading' taregma to have a search...
and i do give the link..
but u wer like screaming.. and i don gif a damm !!!
I like the idea behind charging for plastic bags, but man, I always forget to bring my canvas ones!
Is the mod a man Withnail? I heard it was an androgynous being from a planet many light years away, the planet where our very own Qatari hails from.
i'll shop somewhere else then.................
like i said, i did not see the posting yesterday so i was glad to see it today.
you could just provide the link instead of lecturing tareg about doing a search.
like i said, public forum for the public.
if the mod wants to delete something then its his business. i have not seen him delete posts that are spread apart by a day. he might delete double posts in the same hour but that's a different matter.
"Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day." Withnail & I
I did not post the topic. look at the link i posted before.. It is about the same topic.. I guess there is no rule for posting the same topic again and again. But i saw mods deleting the forum which was posted more than once. And ofcourse it wont take 1 hour for u to give a search on a topic.. And it is good to see all of them joining in one group rather than splitting up !
i did not see your post so i am glad taregma posted this again.
this is a public forum, which means the public can post what they want, within certain limits.
there are thousands of people in QL - should we all spend an hour searching through QL to make sure no one has posted anything that resembles what we are going to post?
if so what is your time limit?
please at least give your QL rules so we know how to proceed.
"Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day." Withnail & I
Posted the same before... please have a search before posting something.