Noise pollution
I have a question. How much torture a landlord can legally cause to his neighbors? Adjuscent to our building, there is a new building under construction and the work is going on almost 24 hours a day and 7 days a week non stop. Although road works seem to take months for completion, building works go on war note as if there is scarcity of buildings in Doha. Any comments?
if it's already create irritants or annoyance to surrounding area! Go to concerned government office and complain.
As usual, the answer is simple : none as local legislation is absent.
I moved in a brand new place surrounded by existing housing. So it is all about planning where you are moving into.
as per M.O.E regulations the noise level in the public areas should not exced 80 db till 10:00 pm, but any how, you should first go to the site office and inform them verbly or in written notice that you can't sleep or rest during nihgt, after that you can complain to the nearest police station, because if working after 10:00 pm they should have no complain, and in case; they should stop the work.
but did they finish the excavation activities?
You can complain to municipality. Their are minor laws against this but they rare receive enforcement. THe main who has the building going up is more powerful than you.
when people will stop complaining about everything in Qatar.
You came from a country that living in it i believe is more difficult to handle than Qatar. and i'm not bashing India i'm saying the same about Egypt my own country.
So let's Accept Qatar as it is, bcuz this is where we live now and each country has it's good and bad. and if your country would have been any better you wouldn't be here in the first place.
So live with it and stop complaining.
Complain to the Municipality they are the one who give Building permit for such activities and may be able to enforce some kind of order to limit the time of noisy works!
yeah. I've got one. YOU are here in Doha, having a decent job, due to all these endless constructions. Live with it. This is weird that being in Qatar for over 4 years, you still don't get it...