unbearable heat...exhaustion and stroke
Summer in the mid east…
Now, it is really here… unbearable, scorching , intense, hellish…
For us who work and live in comfortable, well airconditioned buildings, we won’t care much, but then again, OF COURSE WE DO!
and for the millions of people who we see toiling under the dreadful heat …it’s a very different story…all I can do is pity them. That’s all I can do… (pray for them, sur and i hope one of them is on QL to read and reiterate this)
There’s literally nothing we can do about that,, except of course the government who proposed and managed to change the working hours of these men. Not working in extremely hot and humid weather. Which I suppose is not strictly followed as we still receive a high number of heat exhaustion / srtokes in the hospitals… well, it’s futile to argue about those things…
and uhm, am sure the labor camps and medical centers teach about these things a lot...
Read on…it might help
Those most susceptible: (everyone is)
-elderly (often those with associated heart diseases, lung diseases, kidney diseases, or who are taking medications that make them vulnerable to heat strokes),
-athletes, and
-outdoor workers physically exerting themselves under the sun.
Heat exhaustion is a milder form of heat-related illness, develops after several days of exposure to high temperatures and inadequate or unbalanced replacement of fluids.
Symptoms of heat exhaustion include:
*muscle cramps and aches
Heat stroke
is a form of hyperthermia, an abnormally elevated body temperature with accompanying physical and neurological(ie. brain, organs, muscles) symptoms. heat stroke is a true medical emergency that can be fatal if not properly and promptly treated.
Sometimes a person experiences symptoms of heat exhaustion before progressing to heat strokes.
However, some individuals can develop symptoms of heat stroke suddenly and rapidly without warning.
Different people may have different symptoms and signs of heat stroke.
But common symptoms and signs of heat stroke include:
*high body temperature
*the absence of sweating,
*with hot red or flushed dry skin
*rapid pulse
*difficulty breathing
*strange behavior
Cooling measures that may be effective include:
1. cool, non-alcoholic beverages, as directed by docs
2. rest
3. cool shower, bath, or sponge bath
4. an air-conditioned environment
5. Lightweight clothing
(Based on a CDC Prevention Guide for Emergencies)
1. Get the victim to a shady area,
2. remove clothing,
3. apply cool or tepid water to the skin,
4. fan the victim to promote sweating and evaporation, 5. place ice packs under armpits and groins.
6. Monitor body temperature with a thermometer and continue cooling efforts until the body temperature drops to 101-102°F (38.3-38.8°C).
How can heat stroke be prevented?
1. The most important measures to prevent heat strokes are to avoid becoming dehydrated and to avoid vigorous physical activities in hot and humid weather.
2. If you have to perform physical activities in hot weather, drink plenty of fluids (such as water and sports drinks), but avoid alcohol, caffeine, and tea which may lead to dehydration
3. Your body will need replenishment of electrolytes (such as sodium) as well as fluids if you sweat excessively or perform vigorous activity in the sunlight for prolonged periods.
* drinking large amounts of fluids and heavy sweating will cause salt to be out of the body in an alarming state. A pinch of salt in a cup of water will help. (esp for the workers outside)
4. Take frequent breaks to hydrate yourself. Wear hats and light-colored, lightweight, loose clothes.
Always notify emergency services and/or go to the nearest hospital / clinics immediately...
…(extracted from medicinenet.com)
yer welcome Rizks..nothing that u don't already know am sure.. but then it doesnt hurt to "re-read" ..
and i hope you do follow some... if not all...LOL
vegas, i know it is inevitable for yer men to stay out in the sun... just make sure that they drink enough fluids, balanced diet of course and time offs under the sun...
THANK YOU VEGAS... yer men lucky to be under ye...
well, do you have open applications for females??? LOL
oohh yeah i ferget to add sunscreen.
thanks shoeaddict..though it wont save you from heat stroke hahaha...
Hmmm we have no women??? i don't know why....
You can't teach experience...
You can't teach experience...
good tips!!!
a big bottle of water,sunscreen lotion,lip balm,a hat,and my high blood medication.
Very good, Alpha. Test mastered!
I believe the last "stroke" or cycle is the exhaust cycle. The work comes from the combustion cycle.
"A Wise Man knows what he does not know!"
That's small, for an engine with strokes!
Correct it's:
"I have a four INCH stroke engine"
Intake, compression, combustion, work. Which other strokes does your engine have?
now, i'm totally lost...sniff sniff
***back to my pillows***
That has to be invented, yet, Dracula.
I have six stroke engine...:P
beats me... MD
..feed my ignorance...
I have a four stroke engine in my car and the exhaust is pretty hot, some 400 degrees Celsius. Any problem?
it took me 3 minutes to figure out TFS too...
but then QS, it is TFS (yer version)... HEAT stroke i mean
stop posting nasty comments you naughty gal
lol QS ...
naah ... Thanks for sharing....!!
i bet u knew tat....:)
Rizks, what TFS stands for??
"Too Fukcing Scary?"
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry