Buddies , you don't have any work at work ...
I can bet one thing ...... take the top 100 most frequent QL users and you will note, they all are in Gov't jobs .... either with Ministries or in Q companies ..... or they are house husbands or house wives .....
I note many of them participate dozens of forums daily ..... How could they afford that much time at work?
Guys , Don't you have any work at work ??
no offense please
yea even s_isale has gone missing as well.
Insha Allah. And yes I am truly happy for them though I will miss her cooking!
Indeed i heard the good news...someone deserves all that he's getting and more...however its going to benefit me as well as someone better be getting a place big enough to fit a pool table :D
Smoke...wassaaaaa .. aaaa... aaaa... aaaa.. aaaap baaaaddddyyyy !!!
man i seriously dont have work at work :(
Specially since my sis will be moving out soon!
Fathima shouldnt you be working on your cooking skills?
Captain wass supppp BhhhhUDDDDDDYYYYY!!!
Sorry guys...im very busy ...
I do have work at work ? :P
I can certainly say I belong to the hundred privileged uses club! But that dosent mean I lack work..just that when your job is a 24/7 shift, you are entitled to certain luxuries every now and then namely QL!
No need just to conclude from QL. Just visit most government offices, you will see almost all with mobile talking all the time. They dont care to reply when you are in counter but love to keep talking on their mobile all the time. (But i have seen changes in recent times - Based on personal experience)
Don't tell me, you check the IP address of all the frequesnt users...hehehehe
Not 100, may be 20/30 or even less, only 6am to 2pm :) Friday and Saturday off,
peace.... :D
Lol @ metoyou. check your inbox.
Ziloguy, what will I check in my inbox. nothing's there.
s_isale too
so many have gone missing nowadays....
zilo... lil info clownfish is a girl .. :P
lol clownfish.... check ur inbox mann.
agree... :))
i wonder if he has work in his work. Imagine he check the top 100 users of QL and where they work.
I always have work in QL. wahaha!
I don't have work at my work now. c",)
How did you know where they work?
Rizks- I thought you are working in Copabanana??? :P
not again... :p
Coffee Break....
We must vote for the famous "Member" in QL 2012..
rizk.. i like "multi-tasking" Working and socializing at the same time :))
oh!!!! how did he know???
hey.... BUDDYYYY !!!!
Nothing important, just wanted to COMMENT..
am gonna like this thread...:P
(btw i think its not 100,less than)i agree with Rizks..
i have a question with you,are u bothered?
thanks dota
QL should give them award for making this site alive.
I only use QL when I am taking a break.
I see different ID's with same face ! :(
I see the same faces everytime!
I want to see that list of top 100...
ever heard of Multi-tasking ?