H1N1 allowed to spread in nurseries???
Hello, as my son recently had a suspected case of H1N1, our nursery Apple Tree asked us to bring a paper from HMC Children's Emergency that he is not contageous any more. Ok, we all know that if he spent over two weeks out of nursery(by the way he's picked up the virus from two other children sent back home with high fever 4 days before),and completed Tamiflu precatious treatment, he was absolutely fine. But they asked us to bring a HMC medical certificate almost 4 hours after my son already spent in the nursery on the day he returned back to Apple tree! There is no certain regulations regarding prevention of spreading H1N1 virus in nurseries, there are no trained nurses and no pre-screening of children for any related symptoms BEFORE they enter their class. There is even no isolation area for those suspected having fever of cough! My son was kept in a household tiny 6x6 feet room which is used for cleaning, without it being necessary, but no other mother who's child was out of nursery due to a recent illness (including flu) was asked to bring the same paper from their hospital or local Pediatrician! Why? because parents not always saying the truth to management if their child was given Tamiflu or not- many dump their kids in nursery with cold and cough symptoms because they already paid a lot of money! Also there is no strict regulations regarding prevention of H1N1 in nurseries. Dear parents, can anyone agree with our youngest children being exposed to the H1N1 threat dangerously more than any older school children? If you really think so, I feel pity for your children, as I know how bad my son was two weeks ago.
I urge decent parents to at least give seasonal flu vaccine to your children before going back to your nursery.It's your children, nobody else's, and nobody would care if your child gets sick (a nursery gets paid anyway!)
yes, it doesn't protect fully from swine flu, but if you get it, you may get over it better and quicker. I hope your children (if you have any) stay healthy, and I don't want to spread scary stories, because what I am aware of, swine flu is not so scary at all, but very unpleasant. I agree with you that the mortality rate of H1N1 is less than of seasonal flu, but I only wanted to highlight the lack of strict regulations when schoolchildren with stronger immunity system are being protected, while the little ones are not even thought of. Sorry if it wasn't all that clear from my story.
Best wishes!
a normal seasonal flu vaccine has been researched enough, and I was told in Children's emergency, it does give some immunity to all type A influenza viruses, inkluding swine flu.
Seasonal flu vaccine does not protect against swine flu so is pointless. So your brat got h1n1, its not the end of the world. The mortality rate of h1n1 is less than seasonal flu so stop spreading scare stories. Just get on with life!
Mmmmmm, actually no I won't give my toddler the vaccine because you urge us to......the vaccine hasn't been researched and its damn safer for the child to aquire swine flu than to be given a large dose via a needle....