Homeschooling Your Children in Qatar
I moved to Doha from Vancouver, Canada about ten days ago to join my husband who works for a company. I didn't realize that Canadian and American schools would be so expensive here since my husbands job doesn't pay for our children's education. My children are 7 and 8 years old and I am thinking about homeschooling them. I will really appreciate your ideas if you have any experiences or observations in this area.
Thank-you for that! I had not seen it before, and it will be perfect for the couple of weeks until my books arrive!
spike butchs mom, I agree there is a lot of information on the internet.
that is why I said look at Calvert school program ,a lot of ppl use it , it is not so expensive like other schools . You can get transcribes if you like . They even have a payment plan .
the material is nice put together , and you get everything ,like pencils, paper, clue, all you need.
Also if your kids like being on the computer , there is a nice program you can do anytime , with the home schooling or only or just for fun.
I am in the same boat and am preparing to home school my two children, ages 4 & 10. I have some materials coming from the States, but basically will be building my own program. I looked a numerous "all inclusive" and ever "internet-based" schooling options, but they did not get the kind of flexibility I wanted. I was able to pick up various books on each subject (except math - I am using Saxon Math, which is what my older son used at private school and is favored by a lot of homeschoolers I know in the States) so I'll be able to "mix and match" a bit, and find what works.
What I do know is that if you Google "home school curriculum," you will be utterly overwhelmed! There are literally thousands of choices! Best thing to do is first determine what your goals are for them, and look for plans that would help you to accomplish them.
If you’d like to talk more, please feel free to message me!
Thanks a lot for your input.
I been home schooling all my kids at all age, and it is the best you can do for your kids!
It doesn't matter what age. If you can spend a little money , get the Calvert school curriculum it is really great and affordable , it comes with a very nice teacher manual it will help you at the beginning.
After a while you can even put your own curriculum together . Look it up
And don't worry about the socializing , take them out every chance you get.
Take them to parks, playgrounds, events , what every is fun for kids. They be just fine and they will come out on up , trust me :)
home schooled kids rock !!!!
Aunt Polly i fully agree with your point about socilization issue and to be honest it is my major concern since I want my kids to make friends and be happy.
Victory278692 and Roots Thanks for your comments and links.
Few days back some fellow QLs were discussing about this.
This is the thread link:
another thread:
Somebody also mentioned that there is a Yahoo group:
Anyhow, get connected with the parents from those threads would be a good starting point.
Good luck!!
It is possible only for grown up children, the age you mentioned are too young to cope with homeschooling (foundation stage).
Money spent on education is an may need to manage with zero savings or in debt initially.
Check around you may find some schools with reasonable fees structure.
I think if you have the time , inclination and dedication to do it, this is the best method. your children will grow up secure in the knowledge that their mum is nearby and there to help them learn.
On the flip side, can you find places to help your children socialise with other kids, for interacting with other children and adults is also an essential part of growing up.