Kodak Moment
Last night as I was in bed beside my 3-year-old son he suddenly popped out two very cute questions: first one was "daddy why are my arms small? so i told him that he is still a small kid and when he grows like me his arms will grow big and then came the second question which really amused me "daddy why is my nose flat? i couldn't stop giggling when he asked that question! i wasn't able to answer the second question as he was also giggling and by the look on his face, i think he knew what he was asking or was he just plain curious about his nose. Moments like that really makes my day, Kodak moments! I am very blessed that my family is here with me, I could really see my son grow up and share with him these Kodak moments.
VB, that shows how good your communication is with your kids, 2 thumbs up to you!
questions about life and work related unlike my boss (who still scared to ask such Q to me).
Kodak moments,.. got lots of these with my daughter, all pasted on her bedroom wall... most shots taken while we were sleeping.. priceless...
that's what i'm talking about UK LOL.
Like the other day my 6 year old daughter asked, "dad where does God live"? I told her in the heaven, she was not convinced and kept on asking about God, what does he look like and why we cannot see God etc.
UK, i'm a bit worried when he will ask serious questions hehehe i think i will refer him to his mom LOL! Really when kids start asking serious questions, you tend to take a step back and think about it first.
Enjoy it while it last, like Brit said you will never know how quick they grow up and start asking serious questuions..lol
i really look forward to those moments brit :)
you are really blessed to have yer child with you...ironically, children "teach" us a lot of things, simple as they may be...
it was raining hard one day, i was reading a book oblivious of the rain and my 3 year old son was worried about every family member that is not at home...exclaiming that grandma and auntie and sister does not have umbrella, i assured him time and again that they are fine.
He looked outside the window, he saw a bird by the windowsill and exclaimed, "MOMMY, THE BIRD DOES NOT HAVE AN UMBRELLA!!!"
i was abashed by that...and speechless...
Enjoy these treasured moments. Once they grow up and fly the coop, memories are what keep you going.
Unfortunately for you Rizks you just shrunk shrunk shrunk the size of your brain i mean :P
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
Cute and innocent questions we hear from the little ones.... those moments are so cherished moments which dont come again as they grow grow and grow....
Really Kodak Moment !! :)