Nutrition info
Dear QLers,
It's just a thought!!. why don't restaurants add to their menus the number of calories and fat content.
I was watching the Doctors last night on MBC4 and was shocked! they had a salad with chicken on top, and it had like over 30 grams of fat. so going out and getting a salad is not always the best choice.
And if this did happen in restaurants am sure we'd be shocked at how much Fat and cals we are actually eating.
Is this going to add in the cost?
I feel ya..but I guess had they to do that we may never eat there! Specially the fast food joints *shudders* But thankfully much of the nutritional info is up for grabs on the net. Specially the known chains.I try to decide in advance what I'm going to order then check the nutritional info before I go out. That way I know what I'm getting myself into!
Just think about what would make a salad fatty
- croutons - bread (simple carbs) fried in oil
- Salad dressing - oil
- cheese - cheese often up to 50% fat
- Salami - high fat meat
Order dressing on the side and avoid cheese and croutons. Make sure the meat is grilled and you will be safe.
By the way if you want some free diet advice check out the diet plan on