Next Miss Universe
By nite_rider •
Aiming to be the world's fattest woman :
Donna Simpson is working as hard as she can to get fat -- very, very fat. She weighs 600 pounds, she claims, and is vying for the title of world's fattest woman from the Guinness Book of World Records.
If she can't do it, she'll settle for world's fattest mom. She faces some sturdy competition from this woman, who had triplets in 2008, when she reportedly weighed 560 pounds.
How does Simpson do it?
Her daily caloric intake goal matches that of world champion swimmer Michael Phelps -- when he's training ... a lot. Simpson can't move more than 20 feet, reportedly, without help from one of these.
lol am tryin to contact her now :) lol WK ican imagin :P
Pajju I will make a great pair with her as I am so huge myself :P
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fix a date with her ... :)
sexy n hot :)