We work in weird shifts . . . like prostitutes.
They pay you to make the client happy . . . like prostitutes.
The client pays a lot of money, but your employer keeps almost every penny . . . like prostitutes.
You are rewarded for fulfilling the client's dreams . . . like prostitutes.
Your friendships fall apart and you end up hanging out with people in the same profession as you . . . like
When you have to meet the client you always have to be perfectly groomed . . . like prostitutes.
But when you go back home it may seem like you are coming back from hell . . . like prostitutes.
The client always wants to pay less but expects incredible things from you . . . like prostitutes.
When people ask you about your job, you have difficulties explaining it . . . like prostitutes.
Everyday when you
wake up, you say: I'M NOT GOING TO SPEND THE REST OF MY LIFE DOING THIS SH *T". . . like prostitutes.
The only difference is the prostitutes can take Christmas and New Year's Eve off and they actually DO make a lot of Money!!!
you know someone in the oil industry, please share this email with them
so they don't feel bad anymore . . . like prostitutes!!!
not me,
i dont work i make people
[img_assist|nid=92055|title=BE HAPPY|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
You can't teach experience...
I shall stand a few yards away, in my burkini - hee
I love bikini's and seeing woman wearing them too.. stylish!
I hate to be left 'wondering' what someone said :D
especially if it's about what a lady looks like in a bikini! lol
thats mean " just kidding girl, dont be mad ok"
Then Qatar is full of prostitutes!! Both on shore and off shore!!
You can't teach experience...
vegas ... what do u want me to tell you?
lol jauntie ... you will have to guess that ... !
You can't teach experience...
bercanda ya jeng jangan marah ?
forgive my ignorance ... I don't know if Novi is being complimented or insulted! lol
I work for the client, in this case Maersk, but it could be RasGas, QP etc, they are the client or operator, people that work for them are the contractors, like Noble, Rowan etc, then you have the service companies like Schlumberger and Halliburton etc.
You could say that Maersks client is the Qatar goverment or QP, so even we have to look smart.
Whose schedule u referring to?
8.30 pm..time to play ps3..have a nice evening guysss..xox
what was his schedule... two weeks on two weeks off...
thats how they do there schedules in the states...
just hanging out and watching dvd's with helen keller... kind of a quite night.
honey ... i know you 'bercanda'... no worries
Hey ...All your chatter is disturbing my sleep ....ZZZZZZZZZZ...!!!!
u in bikini novita..heheheh bercanda ya jeng jangan marah ok!
talk about some thing decent you bikini maniacs :/
i dont do bikini honey ....Lol. In fact i dont do water
novita be careful with your bikini in the ocean..can get some black spot from the oil..there is the connection nov!
You can't teach experience...
and for the entire length of our relationship, I had to adjust to his erratic/unpredictable work schedule...more or less a DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP, where the distance do create strain in the relationship itself...
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" -Eleonor Roosevelt
Bikini near *sea side
*sea of oil
Live and let live...
what bikini got to do with oil?
You can't teach experience...
who is client?
When you have to meet the client you always have to be perfectly groomed . . . like prostitutes
argh ... silly me.
date of death
what is DOD?
You can't teach experience...
and look at this it the same email but the profession is change
If these are feelings then its better to kill ourselves, we never count our blessings, always greedy dogs
It looks that you are worst than prostitute, as u have many miseries
Live and let live...
I don't agree with being called a prostitute. Pretty insulting and we make way better money without having to bend over, but then maybe I see it from the client point of view, does that make me a John, lol
Have read this before. Quite true though
all jobs r the same, prostitutes have nothing to do with it
No human can stop racism.
the word prostitues sound very extreme to me..