this one seems bit big...
By learn.n.earn •
this one, from a local friend of mine:
A Turkish guy married a virgin Egyptian girl in Egypt.Before the couple left for Turkey,the bride's mother said secretly to her daughter that if her husband should turn her around while making love,she must tell her about that.The bride agreed and the next day they left for Turkey.
After 7 years of marriage,suddenly both husband and wife were fighting and the wife called her mother and told her that her husband turned her on the other side in bed.So the mother asked if she could speak to him,"Why did you turn my daughter?"....the man answered,"Ma'am,after 7 years,i would like to have children!!".
:D very niceee
"You can imprison a Man, but not an Idea. You can exile a Man, but not an Idea. You can kill a Man, but not an Idea." BENAZIR BHUTTO
you already waited a lot, you can wait just 02 years more, and you will find it out.
is going to be solved soon...
When you're through changing, you're through.
another 2 years..ehehe
honey, just wait... and you will find out soon.
When you're through changing, you're through.
not funny..or is just me?
you find mila at certain places just because you are there as well...
isn't it simple to understand
When you're through changing, you're through.
Y do i find u in all the dirsy jokes :P
These jokes should be 18 +
But funny in a gulty sort of way.
ohhh this is bad LOL
Everybody is right everybody is wrong it depends where you stand.