What Do You Think???
I have some interesting questions for QLers to answer. It's a long list so you can pick any of your favourite ones and answer them.
1. If a man is standing in the middle of the forest speaking and there is no woman around to hear him...is he still wrong?
2. If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation?
3.Where do forest rangers go to "get away from it all?"
4. What do you do when you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant?
5. Would a fly without wings be called a walk?
6. If a turtle doesn't have a shell, is he homeless or naked?
7.If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?
8. Do infants enjoy infancy as much as adults enjoy adultery?
9. How is it possible to have a civil war?
8.thats the specialty of Gods creation .infants cannot remember their stage of infancy.the children develop memory only after the age of one and half or two.
infants are not even in the stage of thinking so they do not enjoy infancy as adults do in adultery.
and more over there is a saying that mother should stop feeding baby before its able to remember the taste of breast milk.after a child begins thinking it would enjoy as adults do.
in psychology the persons sex drive is related to breast feeding ,if the period of breast feeding is more than normal or less than normal a persons sex drive is bound to be more than normal.
and during childhood children want to be adults but when they are adults they understand that broken knees are better than broken hearts.
but children enjoy childhood ;their innocent, carefree,worry free life full of fun and games.
or,,Adults are a bunch of fools!They always want to do everything- when they are young they want 2 act like adults when they are adultsthey want to fool arnd like kids! between all this, adults end up acting like immature teenagers- thats when they indulge in adultery!...Yes,......but they are.
9.Civil war, seems to be an oxymoron. It means that the war, is within a recognized nation or state, between two or more "civil factions." If the war is between people of different countries or nations, then it is the generic type of war. In any type of war, there will be lots of oxymorons, like "military intelligence," and my favorite, "friendly fire." In addition to the oxymorons, you also always find a lot of simple morons in any war, usually the morons in charge who started the damn war in the first place.
or,,It would be possible if both parties are polite and don't fight violently.
Hah! Like that would ever happen.
5.That's like asking if a human doesn't have arms, it would be considered something else. Even if a fly doesn't have wings, it would still be a fly.
or,,a fly without wings would be called "macmac." either way, they are best disposed of with a swat..
6.Nerves are attached to the shells of the turtle. So even when there's some light tapping on it's shell it can actually feel it. It is impossible to remove the shell whilst the turtle is living.
or,,"Neither... he is dead"...The turtle is integrated into his shell and it is part of him... it isn't something he can come out of and survive just like it is not possible for you to live without your skin. You would quickly succumb to infection and die... too many microbes in our environment to live with your innards exposed.
7."Succeeded at Failing"
or,,you have successfully failed.
But fanonite, i think many would be interested to know the answers..so heres goes the answers for all..
here goes the answers:
1.Of course he is, he opened his mouth.And there speaks a typical woman. ;) I beg your pardon.
or,, and there is no woman around to hear him, is he still wrong?
2.It is. If someone without multiple personalities tries to kill his/herself, in the books, it's a hostage situation. It's illegal to kill yourself, and you can go to jail for it. Usually, cops look at it like J-Walking, not in the sense that they look the other way, but that they overlook the fact that they're attempting to break the law in order to save them. If you were on a bridge, would you want a cop saying "GET DOWN FROM THERE SO WE CAN ARREST YOU AND THROW YOU IN JAIL!"? No, you wouldn't.
or,, it would depend whether his 'sensible' personality was stronger than his homicidal one!
3.There is no place like home.
or,,Anywhere different. It's the getting away...the from it all is where you are currently.
4.Shoot the animal, pick the plant, and make stew.
or,,Call E.P.A., get some federal agents involved, have animal indicted and charged, and see if the prosecutor goes for the death penalty. Then PETA gets involved. It'll take 20 years before the Supreme Court could rule, and by then the animal would be dead of natural causes, but he would be locked up, so he couldn't eat any more of those plants. Also, we could keep him locked up at Guantanomo, which would be a better use for the place. Get him another edible plant! lol
sorry it's meant to be in the discussion forum.. i am copying there.