who is the fastest to get a banana ??
There was a very, very tall coconut tree and there are 4 animals,
A Lion A Chimpanzee A Giraffe a squirrel
They decide to compete to see who is the fastest to get a banana off the tree.
Who do you guess will win?
Your answer will reflect your personality.
So think carefully . . ... Try and answer within 30 seconds
Got your answer?
Now scroll down to see the analysis.
If your answer is:
Lion = you're dull.
Chimpanzee = you're a moron.
Giraffe = you're a complete idiot.
Squirrel = you're just hopelessly stupid.
Obviously you're stressed and overworked.
You should take some time off and relax!
Try again next year.
Blondes . they get bananas really fast! Jus need to walk and wink with an eye!
I can see the dust is coming from your mouth baby.....so old
Who are u to sent me to the coffin?? I will call me daddy!!!
Baby Dracula
Baby Dracula i thought i sent u to your baby coffin, isnt it way past your day time? yalla go to your coffin.
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
We all are clever n u r a fooll to post such foolish questions.. Find something better
Baby Dracula
I FELL YOU ARE 0000000000000000
This is not 1st class
Help people, the Allah ( God) will help you
lol SamyaUK .. ye i kno u r very clever..
Thought i was clever there so a second :P
U said coconut tree not banana tree... so where is the banana?
i did not mention MONKEY !!
Help people, the Allah ( God) will help you
my answer is Rizks..lol
buzz off u troll !!!
y mods deleted the pix in that ??
instead of solving tat riddle i shall hav my banana....:)
U still in the Eurpoean Dark Ages.. 8th century... !! Bring something new
Baby Dracula