Hello. I would be glad if anyone could shed any light on the following.
When they do the x-ray what exactly are they looking for. Does any fail this x-ray and if so are they sent back home. I have read up and looking to come out soon however if you have asthma does this go against you?
I would be gratful if QL members could advise please.
Hi, I have Asthma and it used to be a very serious condition with regular attacks. I passed the Xray with no quams, Asthma is not contagious so it will not be a reason for rejection. Relax and breath in.
Xray for chest is a medical procedure to detect such conditions in relation to lung problems such as PTB. It is a must for people to be CLEARED in order to secure that everyone is healthy enough and not a potential risk. They may deport, as I know, those who will fail the medical unless it is still treatable and not on a severe stage. Asthma, on the otherhand, is a chronic lung problem but not considered as contagious. Doctors will give "controls" (medications) for any episodes or attack. People with asthma still live a very normal life!---hope this help.
Yes. Anyone with a history of old TB which had been healed leaves a spot or scar in the lungs. If you have that then your automatically routed back to where you came from. Even if its healed.
In X ray they are looking for TB and other lung disease, asthama patients are not declared unfit
I think they look for TBC with the x ray and with the blood they look for conditions such as AIDS Hepatitis etc. I dont think Asma should be a problem.