VIDEO: What you should do to prevent flu this winter
Qatar is beginning to experience the cooler winter months and as temperatures have gone down, a surge in seasonal flu cases have become increasingly noticeable.
This is that time of the year when you start skipping work because you're down with flu.
Here's six things you could do to reduce the risk of falling ill this flu season:
Get a flu shot.
It's the No. 1 thing you can do to prevent flu. Visit one of the clinics near you or get a flu shot from the government health centers located near you.
Wash your hands as much as you can.
No matter what you do, even if you did not use your hands for anything specific, wash your hands regularly. Cleanliness is they key to prevent illness.
Keep an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
If you can’t get to soap and water, sanitizer can kill cold and flu germs. This is a good way to keep your hands clean on-the-go.
Eat a healthy diet rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin E.
Foods containing these vitamins are believed to be helpful in supporting the immune system. Foods rich in vitamin E include sunflower and corn oils, sunflower seeds, and nuts such as almonds and peanuts. You can get vitamin C from foods like orange juice, citrus fruits, broccoli and green peppers.
Stay hydrated.
Increasing your water intake will help you stay healthy and reduce the chance of you catching flu. Drinking more fluids prevents dehydration caused by fever, loosens mucus, and keeps your throat moist.
Exercise more often, be active.
Research indicates that exercise can stimulate the immune system and promote healthy sleep. Increased physical activity will also reduce mental stress.
Were these tips helpful, QLers? Keep in mind these tips only reduce the chances of catching flu. Some things are inevitable.
Will surely try and follow these..
Thanks for the post..