So much "dieting" nonsense...and yet everyone's fat!
Once upon a time, not so long ago there was a bad villain called FAT. He made you big and ugly. He hid in all things tasty and clogged your arteries. Aspiring fitness enthusiasts were told to avoid him like the plague.
Soon, Mr Fat had a new friend. Mrs Sugar. She was a sweet, sweet lady but also extremely dangerous. Just like Mr Fat, she had the evil power to add inches to your waist. No amount of exercise will help you if you befriended Mrs Sugar we were told.
We soon found out though, that it was not the sweet Mrs Sugar, but her brother Mr Carbohydrate that was evil (the bread/rice/pasta man). Most of us hung out a lot with this simple guy. Really liked him and met him several times a day. Being close to him wrecks all our fitness goals!
Now, Mr Carbohydrate is old news. Apparently Uncle Gluten is the root cause of all evil. The weapons in his arsenal include but are not limited to bloating, stomach aches, anaemia, diarrhoea, dermatitis (skin rashes)…..
For now Ms Protein is our lone buddy, keep her close and you will be fine we are told……..
Hence, if I go by all the dietary advice I get from the media, YouTube videos and fitness blogs that I tend to read, I should be eating fat free, carbohydrate free, trans- fat free, gluten free, uncooked organic vegetables and boiled chicken three times a day. Water being the only beverage I can “safely” drink.
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No issues in some cases with the fats.
Who says fat isn't beatiful ?
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