Ministry penalises eight car workshops for violating Qatar’s consumer protection law
Qatar has always taken a tough stand when it comes to implementation of consumer protection laws.
The Ministry of Economy and Commerce (MEC) recently underlined this by penalising eight automobile repair workshops for violating the country’s consumer protection law, reported Gulf Times.
The violations were discovered when officials from the ministry carried out surprise inspection campaigns targeting automobile agencies and car repair workshops across Qatar.
The inspections were a part of the bid to monitor the compliance of suppliers (auto agencies and repair workshops) with their obligations under Law No 8 of 2008 on Consumer Protection.
The eight workshops were fined for failing to display a list of services and their prices, which represented a violation of Article 11 of Law No 8 of 2008 on Consumer Protection.
Violations of Law No 8 of 2008 on Consumer Protection can result in administrative closure and financial penalties ranging between QR6,000 and QR1m.
The MEC stressed it would not tolerate any violations of the consumer protection law and would intensify its inspection campaigns to crack down on such offences.