Digital Identity Protection in Qatar!
Managing and protecting your e-identity is an increasingly important topic as more and more people take to the internet for social networking, banking, gaming, and shopping among many others reasons.
To help you protect your digital identity many companies and websites are embedding digital identity management systems into their computing and online frameworks. Some you may take for granted, such as the password you use to log into your computer each day, while some are more sophisticated and require multiple steps to gain access, such as PIN codes and passwords.
What do you think of the approach currently taken by organizations in Qatar to protect digital identities? Do you think there should be a distinction between the means of protecting offline & online identities? Are online and offline identities really different or are they two different representations of the same thing? And how can we really protect the identity of a person in a world where everything is virtual?
This topic is thoroughly discussed in ictQATAR's latest e-newsletter issue - read aboit it here: