looking for nanny/housemaid
western family looking for live in nanny asap. must speak english and understand local law.
must be able to cook, clean, wash clothes, iron, and take care of 2 kids the ages of 7 and 4. benefits include room and board, food, days off will be discussed over the phone and i will provide a medical card.
pay will also be discussed over the phone and if chosen you have the option to get paid weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.
serious inquiries only...
please call jolleen 974-342-3086
no calls after 9pm...thanks
I mean if you want a filipina maid then contact our embassy and ask if there are manpower services that provide maids. you know a lot of maids are running away from their employer these days..... hiring a maid that is documented by their governments is a safe way to protect both your interests.
what agencies do you request? i see you are a mason???
I suggest you use the services of recruitment agencies to protect the welfare of domestic helpers being exploited by employers