Out of Luck!!
By david banner •
Hey guys, i have a week left before i have to leave the country. I cant seem to find a job anywhere. Anyone care to assist in a last minute Hail Mary? Im seeking a position in the Logistics field. Thanks anyway guys and have fun.
Hard times, mate. Think "sub-prime mortgage and the crumbling of the world economy"....there is a glut of very well educated professionals in the market today. The middle east, where getting a well-paid job was once just so easy, is now a nightmare. I know of people waiting for months and years just to get into a mediocre position.
Manufacturing and logistics are picking pace state-side. you may get lucky again back home. if ur looking for more time in a tax-free zone to pay off that mortgage, try abu-dhabi, dubai (yes...Dubai is still a good bet), kuwait, or saudi. pm me your email and I'll keep a look out for you.
Tell you what, head to the USAF base and get your CV through.
ed, not for one week, i have one week left until i have to leave the country. Thanks anyway guys for the help. God Bless u all. Desertshark..im starting to see what u say is in fact correct...
You need a job for 1 week? OMG! this must be the height of proffessionalism!
Good luck David. Out here being to honest, hardworking, etc does not count for much. Most people and managers too out here are in their own narrow regional mindsets and petty politics and tend to muddy the office and work culture for their own petty ends and to push their own people in and up in the organization ultimately to benefit themselves without the top management having any idea of the damge being done to the organization and the loot taking place.
Cabbage, and Mushtaq Ali Khan , thank you guys so much for the reply. Im just really confused and lost right now with my situation at the moment. Im educated, hard working, and quite frankly, at this stage in my life, im not looking for a big salary. Still cant seem to find anything...
Call me
Will offer one up for you x