Adulation and celebrity culture..
Katie Price of the "Humoungous Boobies" fame is getting divorced. Rachel of friends fame hated her hair and is ready to pose provocatively..
Reality shows are making "stars" of nobodies.
Who is to blame ?
we are ofcourse. Katie Price is worth about 50 million because we buy magazines to read stories about her and see her in awful clothes.
Is society to blame for voyeurism and adulation. What has happened to the role models of old ?
Apparently , "he wasn't the man she thought he was" :o)
really.....but instead of throwing u can save it for future use tb hehe :)
Vicki more than a handful is a waste ;)
Brit is she getting divorced again?
damn boobs! so big!
so many wants to be like britney spears too :) ....
and I don't buy mags to contribute to her 50mil fortune in that way...but she actually rights quite nice fiction novels.... so maybe, I might have contributed about QR200 to her coffers;-P
Well said.
Why though are we turning to these shows though?
Is life that bad that we tune into people that are willing to be ridiculed and therefore 'us others' look good.
Well said.
lol lostinspace, although you have to wonder if she will be pushing them around in a grocery cart when she gets older.
Britexpat--people watch these shows partly because there is so little on. The networks are too cheap to produced real programs. Why assemble a professional cast and build sets when you can rent a house and throw some losers in it who will entertain people for free? I suspect it is only going to get worse.
I only but magazines where she has no clothes on, so i am technically not contributing to her 50m fortune! :0)
You could kiss them bad boys all night and not kiss the same place twice!
sadly, more and more people are tuning into these shows. Their effects can be seen in the way we interact with others and perhaps even percieve ourselves.
It is indeed very sad and highly indicative of the debased society we live in that talentless nobodies are indeed viewed as demi-gods.
When you see some of the tripe that is on television and of course teenagers are the target audience; it is no wonder some children become feral.
These programmes are simply a show case on how to ridicule other human beings.
It would be nice to see a show that actually celebrates the nicer side of life and gives praise to well behaved, decent hard working kids instead of our kids being bombarded with images of a sexual nature, young girls looking like *hores and a master class into how to insult.
Thank god for the off button!
Every generation made celebrities out of nobodies, and the older generation complained about it. I agree it's horrible, but I just don't see it as being anything new--maybe intensified by the age of the internet.
That's right brit.We do not hear the kids saying Isaac Newton is my role model.
It always had to be celebrities.
Its not just images.. Its the increase in "gossip" magazines and TV channels.
Images inspire more than actions or thoughts
Look at kids and adults for that matter.. No one looks up to scients or leaders.. it is always the celebrities..
Brit at times i think the late Anna Nicole Smith was a role model for young people as well!