Al-Jazeera anchorwomen quit in clothing spat
Five female news presenters at Al-Jazeera channel resign over conflicts with management.
Five female news presenters at Al-Jazeera channel resign over conflicts with management.
It says in the news report that there were other bigger issues involved apart from the clothing issue,but they haven't really specified what exactly are those issues,although i must admit that some of those anchorwomen who have resigned were very professional.
Nic,its time you stop watching Fox News.
If 5 anchors have left, they will get 10 more anchors...
the cleavages on CNBC Arabiya in the morning is something.
Apprently it's showing some cleavage that's causing up the spat ;)
I always thought that aljazeera anchorwomen dressed more moderately when compared to other Arab satellite channels
Well,channels like Alarabia Or alhurra would take them anytime...
I agree. Aljazeera's anchorwomen are far more modest in their cloths and makeup when compared with other Arab channels, where some anchorwomen wear makeup as if they are about to perform in the Cirque du Soleil.
That says a lot about the objectivity and partiality of this "news" channel.
Hope they are employed by the competitors and will have the chance to disclose the hidden side of their oppression.
Dress code and other reasons. As one who watches a number of news channels, I find it amazing how "Arab" news and weather presenters tend to dress more "tartily" then their erstern/eastern counterparts.
They forget that the focus is on the news and NOT them.
Let them quit. there will be enough people to replace them