BusinessWeek/Interbrand's Annual Ranking of The Best Global Brands For 2007
Rank Company 2007 Percent
Brand Change Country of
Value (over 2006) Ownership
1 Coca-Cola 65,324 -3 % U.S.
2 Microsoft 58,709 3 % U.S.
3 IBM 57,091 2 % U.S.
4 GE 51,569 5 % U.S.
5 Nokia 33,696 12 % Finland
6 Toyota 32,070 15 % Japan
7 Intel 30,954 -4 % U.S.
8 McDonald's 29,398 7 % U.S.
9 Disney 29,210 5 % U.S.
10 Mercedes-Benz 23,568 8 % Germany
11 Citi 23,443 9 % U.S.
12 Hewlett-Packard 22,197 9 % U.S.
13 BMW 21,612 10 % Germany
14 Marlboro 21,283 0 % U.S.
15 American Express 20,827 6 % U.S.
16 Gillette 20,415 4 % France
17 Louis Vuitton 20,321 15 % U.S.
18 Cisco 19,099 9 % U.S.
19 Honda 17,998 6 % Japan
20 Google 17,837 44 % U.S.
21 Samsung 16,853 4 % S. Korea
22 Merrill Lynch 14,343 10 % U.S.
23 HSBC 13,563 17 % Britain
24 Nescafe 12,950 4 % Switzerland
25 Sony 12,907 10 % Japan
26 Pepsi 12,888 2 % U.S.
27 Oracle 12,448 9 % U.S.
28 UPS 12,013 12 % U.S.
29 Nike 12,004 10 % U.S.
30 Budweiser 11,652 0 % U.S.
31 Dell 11,554 -6 % U.S.
32 JPMorgan 11,433 12 % U.S.
33 Apple 11,037 21 % U.S.
34 SAP 10,850 8 % Germany
35 Goldman Sachs 10,663 11 % U.S.
36 Canon 10,581 6 % Japan
37 Morgan Stanley 10,340 6 % U.S.
38 Ikea 10,087 15 % Sweden
39 UBS 9,838 13 % Switzerland
40 Kellogg's 9,341 6 % U.S.
41 Ford 8,982 -19 % U.S.
42 Philips 7,741 15 % Netherlands
43 Siemens 7,737 -1 % Germany
44 Nintendo 7,730 18 % Japan
45 Harley-Davidson 7,718 0 % U.S.
46 Gucci 7,697 8 % Italy
47 AIG 7,490 NEW U.S.
48 eBay 7,456 10 % U.S.
49 AXA 7,327 NEW France
50 Accenture 7,296 8 % Bermuda
51 L'Oreal 7,045 10 % France
52 MTV 6,907 4 % U.S.
53 Heinz 6,544 5 % U.S.
54 Volkswagen 6,511 8 % Germany
55 Yahoo! 6,067 0 % U.S.
56 Xerox 6,050 2 % U.S.
57 Colgate 6,025 7 % U.S.
58 Chanel 5,830 13 % France
59 Wrigley's 5,777 6 % U.S.
60 KFC 5,682 6 % U.S.
61 Gap 5,481 -15 % U.S.
62 5,411 15 % U.S.
63 Nestle 5,314 8 % Switzerland
64 Zara 5,165 22 % Spain
65 Avon 5,103 1 % U.S.
66 Caterpillar 5,059 10 % U.S.
67 Danone 5,019 8 % France
68 Audi 4,866 17 % Germany
69 adidas 4,767 11 % Germany
70 Kleenex 4,600 -5 % U.S.
71 Rolex 4,589 8 % Switzerland
72 Hyundai 4,453 9 % S. Korea
73 Hermes 4,255 10 % France
74 Pizza Hut 4,254 -9 % U.S.
75 Porsche 4,235 8 % Germany
76 Reuters 4,197 6 % Britain
77 Motorola 4,149 -9 % U.S.
78 Panasonic 4,135 4 % Japan
79 Tiffany & Co. 4,003 5 % U.S.
80 Allianz 3,957 NEW Germany
81 ING 3,880 12 % Netherlands
82 Kodak 3,874 -12 % U.S.
83 Cartier 3,852 15 % France
84 BP 3,794 -5 % Britain
85 Moet & Chandon 3,739 15 % France
86 Kraft 3,732 -5 % U.S.
87 Hennessy 3,638 2 % France
88 Starbucks 3,631 17 % U.S.
89 Duracell 3,605 1 % U.S.
90 Johnson & Johnson 3,445 8 % U.S.
91 Smirnoff 3,379 11 % Britain
92 Lexus 3,354 9 % Japan
93 Shell 3,331 5 % Britain
94 Prada 3,286 14 % Italy
95 Burberry 3,221 16 % Britain
96 Nivea 3,116 16 % Germany
97 LG 3,100 3 % S. Korea
98 Nissan 3,072 -1 % Japan
99 Polo RL 3,046 NEW U.S.
100 Hertz 3,026 NEW U.S.
pepsi sux go cc ... but d best was 2 c philips higher than siemens Hup Holland !!!
Best Swiss Brand on 24.Nescafe.
Alway Coke.Go for it!
Nada Pepsi.
*Create your own destiny,fighting against your dark sides,raise your
spirituality.Every day is a new day.A new life.
Keep the faith!*
10 Mercedes-Benz 23,568 8 % Germany
26 Pepsi 12,888 2 % U.S.
98 Nissan 3,072 -1 % Japan
they were suppose to be on the top :?