Amber Light ( A Warning!!!)
I was just new to driving over the city and I noticed variation on the traffic signals. Why are few of the signals I encounter between Hilal and Doha Petrol Station have variations on the amber lights?
When can we say that amber light will go to red light without taking 3 blinks?
Can someone advise, cuz we all know that even traffic signals cause major accidents with inconsiderate drivers all over the country?
"prevention is better than cure"
what can you do when at a certain speed when u thought catching the green light yet the green turns amber and suddenly turns red without warning?
Imagine, cams are behind watching your every move.
((change the world))
This is so confusing, do you mean I have to stop the car when the red light turns on?
we also encountered one stop light that from red light blink to yellow & back to red light again!
So I wondering if green light working on that road!
"Even if LOVE is full of thorns, embrace it. For in between those thorns there is a ROSE that's worth all the PAIN."
"just beware of the vehicles in front, back and both sides from you not to touch." Reflex is the best weapon.
Never rely to what you expect from the standard traffic light signs.
Most of the times it can resulted you to confusions...
the best way is to move parallel along with the vehicles around you.
if you got caught... you're not alone...
Another solution, keeping distance away from an approaching cars towards you, is the best solution. Be cool and generous to those what they know they're the king of the road. It wont cost you a couple of minute to give way. Being safe and accident-free is far more advantageous than argumenting over your reasons. You cant benifit your reasons if your car is smashed off.
Middle age is youth without levity, and age without decay.
Catsniper - Don't you know what a blinking yellow means? I hope you're not driving. Unfortunately you're not alone.
HRSCORP is per traffic dept.trial and error method(published on gulf times last month)
Grow up boy .. Step out into the real world once a while !!!
Who am i kiddn im d same as u :P
For a second i thought u were talking about xbox :P
I guess most of the people already gave u the answer.
I agree with Novita...
It simply means proceed on your own risk. If you find the traffic coming from left is free and you have enough time to proceed, then make your move.
That also means, ignore the guyz behind you are honking on your head and trying to fly through the roundabout.
I usually increase the audio volum while encoutering such guyz in roundabout, specially with you are confused between Yellow to stop or go slow.
How do you NOT know what a flashing yellow means and STILL get a license????????
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
On some new round abouts it blinks for a longer period to let you get used to it.
Flashing yellow means be cautious but you can still pass.
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ur right its confusing, many accidents happen because of that, and in the same time the fines are too much, so either be psychic or extremely lucky, maybe no one gone throught a year without either a fine or accident, guys is this true?
for roundabouts, blinking amber signifies observe and ready to go, the same was just implemented in Hilal to which they call the Nuaija R/A.
Less traffic though, proven
((change the world))
agrees novita, but y de hell thy have to chang de system every day?
If it's true that we are here to help others, then what exactly are the others here for?
being told in the roundabout when the light blinking you can proceed if it is clear (nothing coming from your left).
a bit confusing ....
i hv seen n markia rdabt sme tims it blinks nd turns to red, smetims it jst kept blinking with yellow..neithr green nor red...vehicld wer movin...seems crazy to me..nyonels noticd it?
If it's true that we are here to help others, then what exactly are the others here for?
My roomate works for the traffic department. He told me that the standard blinks before the amber lights turns red should be 3-4 blinks. There are some traffic signals that are not properly maintained. So, the best way is to drive slowly when heading towards any traffic signals.
"Better to be safe than sorry...."
better stop when the become on whether blinking or not
welcome to doha traffic system .....sorry remove the system coz not at all any SYSTEM....really!!!!
If it's true that we are here to help others, then what exactly are the others here for?