Anyone still read the manuals these days?
Usually when you open up or received your equipment, an electronic device, your vehicle, your mobile or laptop, household appliances, or anything that has mechanical or electrical stuff in it, it is ALWAYS advisable to open up and read the instruction manuals on how to properly use it, what's its standard features, troubleshooting techniques, do's and don'ts, and warranty.
But no. That's not the case with people. They call the hotline (customer care) and see where the problem lies (in a high toned manner, actually) and usually blame the 'lack of quality' of what they bought and asks for a replacement or warranty to compensate for the damage when in reality it's either they have pretty heavy hands or they don't use it properly or they just don't know how to use these stuffs at all.
Always ALWAYS read the manuals first before you use something, you idiots and plenty of dumbasses!!
(And you can make any stuff you have to last longer)
lol UkEng.. :P
Heero did you read the Manual that came with you my son.. Definately I think you skipped a few pages looks like
Good Morning to you..
...that the only thing you need them to do is to smack them with the manuals and make them read it and understand why they don't need to 'abuse' using their stuff.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Hmmm i thought the manual was only for something to read when you run out of material in the toilet.
If you need to read the manual the the thing you've just bought is not intuitive enough. I just dive straight in and only RTFM when I'm stuck or want to learn about advanced features.
The same however could be said of QL! If people read the rules first they wouldn't make such arses of themselves when the incorrectly post.
Only read the manual when you have problems...
i cant count the times that i've changed my mobile phone, but everytime i get a new one, i really dont read the manual, just because i feel that i dont need to and i learn the in's and out's of using it as i explore all the functions.. does that make me an idiot and a dumbass as well? :P