I have, amongst many others, been fiercely critical of the credibility of the Qatar bid - I would first of all like to apologise to all of those who clearly have a greater degree of faith and had the confidence in the bid to express their support on QL - eat a huge piece of humble pie - and offer my heartfelt congrats to the Sheikh and his team!!
Gardarene, I am glad you do! :)
@ Mike,& i'm sorry you're having a hard time getting my point mate! ok forget what i've written,if i may quote you,as stated earlier on this thread:-
"So flor, you think that opposing the bid makes someone unqualified to criticize?"
"Flor, no offense but zillion LOLs at your comments - totally pointless, to say the least."
"ok, then let's send our indefinite stellar LOLs! :)"
That's YOU addressing the "poor gentleman" so please Mark,spare me the righteous speech...
We are ALL trying to have an intelligent conversation here but since we don't live in a utopian world,there is always the likelihood of the "my way or the highway" brigade presenting itself & trying to (unsuccessfully) mask it as nonchalant with the LOL's (as you stated yourself)
And if you did actually read the whole post,no one is bad mouthing the OP (thread starter),people have a different view from his & unlike your "poor gentleman" friend,he has the maturity to accept that fact...
@ no merci,sure i do! quite deeply actually! *wink*!...
Qhris, yes... whatever makes you happy :)
gadarene, I still cannot understand, I am sorry but I am afraid you are having a hard time sticking right to the point.
Anyways, common sense cannot be bought in a grocery shop. Please consider my participation in this thread as 'liquidated'. I am just trying to have an intelligent conversation here, but too bad for those who are lacking a good sense of self-identity he he he he!
For the love of football, please continue badmouthing the thread starter you bunch of macho men hehehehehe
Hate how all the points that gadarene made were swept under a nonsense post from 'Keyboard Grammar-Warrior' Mike.
Reeks of someone who didn't know how to respond, so picked on your commas.
Alumnar...at times a VERY long breath.
Gardarene, do you breathe while you write? ;)
@ Alumnar,thank you!...
@ Mike,the way i write is called stream of consciousness,ever heard of it?...i'm safely assuming not,which is why you pointed out my lack of fullstops & paragraphs...there are more nuances to the English language than what they taught you @ school...no offense mate!
Gadarene, you're fab! I always take a deep breath before reading your posts and everybody should do the same - trust me, it works!!! ;)
@ timebandit...i'm fine living in the "Bronze age"(!!!)...but thank you for suggesting! *wink*!!!...
@ qatarigirlzdontflirt, "normal plain english" IS what i speak,afraid i can't say the same for you..."reg peeps"??? please,spare me...you see,i didn't learn my english from American TV shows...
@ Mike,none taken & yes i would mind editing & rephrasing...there is absolutely nothing wrong with what i've written except that it's free flow without full stops & paragraphs...try reading it S-L-O-W-L-Y this time! *wink*!...
gadarene, no offense but I think you need to proofread a little bit, would you mind editing and rephrasing? I am having a hard time understanding what you are trying to say.
Yeah ged wit da timez dude
Dude you sound like your from the Bronze age with all that "ones mind should blah blah blah effn blah" what ever happened to normal plain english like reg peeps
@ Mike,"poor gentleman"???...that's a "poor" choice of words!!!...stating one's honest thoughts is one thing,dissing & bad-mouthing everyone that doesn't share his opinion is a whole other...perhaps you ought to read the "gentleman's" posts first..."are not even Qataris"??? what the hell is that supposed to mean??? I do care about this verdict,as a true football fan,has that ever occurred to you?...as for "awful truth",that may be your situation mate but it's not mine,i'm here for the money,plain & simple,there are many things about this place i don't like but there are many things i like as well...my opinion on them hosting the World Cup comes as a football fan,plain & simple,it has NOTHING to do with the fact that i live here,my opinion would've been EXACTLY the same were i living anywhere else on the planet...you want common sense? start with your "gentleman" friend...
Gadarene, common sense... that's all I'm asking for. I think it's just hilarious to read some people bashing on this poor gentleman just for giving his honest thoughts and those who are bashing on this QLer are not even Qataris and they pretend like they really do care about this verdict when the awful truth is that we are coming here to work, have a decent life and then... 'voilá'
@ Mike,what would you rather have,road rage endangering people's lives or venting on QL?...ya,i thought as much! :)
My apologies to the OP for the hijack...
inshaállah, because of this qatar 2022....qatar will open doors, windowssssss.....for new opportunities...meaning work.... so let's just all be happy!
I think this thread started off as a good piece of humble pie from a good QLer and turned it to be just another flame war from a bunch of keyboard warriors. I guess besides road rage in Qatar this is another good way of draining their frustrations.
I feel the real essence of the thread has got turned into FLOR APOLOGY..:))
@ ex.expat,death by karaoke perhaps?...or will i wake up to find my favourite pet fish's dead head on my bed?...
Or is he the consiglieri of the Pinoy mob and he's threatening to call in a favor and have us rubbed out ;P
He now has the backing of Qatar, so it will probably be YOU who is 'taken out' and made to look like a suicide.
Send us a handwriting sample so we know if the note 'you' leave is a setup from the government :-)
ex.expat,you do realize we will be named as the persons responsible in the suicide note in the event he does go off the deep end?...
Shhhhh ex. I don't think he realizes that! You don't want to send him further off the deep end.
and countless others Flor. In fact, Gadarene's post was spot on and I could have written it myself. This isn't "florliving" mate and you are not God.
mate - will be hitting the town over xmas, will drop you a line.
flor - no comment, [Mod's note: Mind your language!]
lost i'll be up for a beer once i'm better again, sick the past few days.
it will be the biggest joke.
LIS, again, what to explain? You keep putting malice in my posting! Why? Ask your friend why he keeps on such "allegation"?
we can only wish! when are we going to meet up for a beer?
i'm still waiting for sepp blatter to say "only joking".
Please explain?
you know everything about WC and yet failed to anticipate that Qatar will take the 2022 hosting. I have nothing to do with it. You claim now that majority were bought by the bidder, that's your claim. Prove it! Don't let the official asked you formally?
i know i don't own it mate,you on the other hand keep having these delusions that you do!...as for the 'us' & 'all',doesn't Flor know EVERYTHING?! :)...
you don't own QL as far as I remember. BTW, who are included in your "us" and "all"?
don't bow your head...just keep those hands off the keyboard & spare us all!...
GOOD Qler by the name of Gadarene. I salute all your good posting!
SATISFY now? Nothing will change the fact that Qatar gets it and you are still asking for a re-bid? I really don't know how to cal you!
If you look me that way, I also look you worse that way! Better you create your own site and bring together all you who keeps on complaining about Qatar getting the bid! It will not be taken back! Or you just wish?
@ Flor,before your wild fantasies go any further,there are a LOT of us here on QL who do think you don't contribute anything except come & act all high & mighty & telling off anyone that doesn't agree with mass(your) opinion...it's just that Qhris stated it,the rest of us can't be bothered with you enough to even say it but i assure you,Qhris speaks for a LOT of us when he said you contribute nothing...because the fact is,you don't...i'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the chinks in your armour (large as they are) have been long exposed...to Qhris & everyone else who feels this way,believe me when i tell you,i speak from experience,this one is best left alone...
thread, so don't even relate it to me. True, there are so many threads here in QL I participated and you're the only one saying I have not contributed any single thing. Think again, I think it's your problem, not mine.
nomerci, thanks for that :) I'll keep it in my arsenal
Let me quote this funny comment:
"now those who dont support ths FIFA's wise Decision.. please remove your country's name from their list.."
Simply...... hilarious! :)
Chairboy - apologizing for 'unappropriate' language used is good of you :) But your initial post says nothing about language used, just about your lack of faith and degree of confidence in Qatar winning the Bid.
Qatar won the Bid and that's a fact. It is time for people to move on and help Qatar, their host country, to show they can do it - and who knows, better than any other country did so far.
now those who dont support ths FIFA's wise Decision.. please remove your country's name from their list..
Good grief - what happened here!!! Ok lets get one or two things straight. First I stand by my opinion that the 4 other bids in the running for 22 were commercially and technically superior to the Qatar bid - whatever criteria FIFA were using to select Russia and Qatar, it WASNT the technical evaluation which rated Qatar in particular as "High Risk" - one of the few bids ever to have been awarded that dubious category in the recent history of world cup bidding. So in that respect the English FA are right - why bother bidding if the presented evidence isnt going to be taken into consideration - so in that respect Qatarigirlzdontflirt, you are right but please dont try and put words in my mouth by way of explanation on my behalf - not necessary!!!I stand by all of the points I raised during pre award debate - nothing has changed - I thought and think that the decision is ludicrous but there you go - it is what it is and we all have to get on with proving to an incredulous world that this country DOES have what it takes - after all, thats what we were told by the bid team and now have been told by FIFA - Im dubious!! But this is clearly going back over old old ground and frankly Im bored with debating the issue now. By the way, my apology was not for my opinion but for some of the inflamatory language and tone that I used with certain debators in the lead up to Thursday - unnecessary and probably rude; as someone who was "raised to be respectful..." Alumnar, I'm presuming you would sanction an apology for that!!
The rest of the thread above is bizarre to say the least - so many keyboard warriors!!
I love your attitude, very arrogant by the way.
There are a few swollen-headed guys at QL..suffering from paranoia.. who still do not believe the success of Qatar..
Wake up you stupid jokers..
Is this enough... or you need the certificates of your Obamas, Camerons, Gillards..??
[Lolzzzzzzz]^infinity :P
Flor; lots of topics on QL are highly charged, and certain people I have observed can get emotional.
If you don't like the various ways that people express themselves, I suggest you log off; telling people to keep quiet or flaming them with barbs like 'sour grapes' is trying to attention seek from you.
If you don't like a thread, just leave it?
You don't have to enter every thread and tell the people there to calm down, get over it, what language to use, and try and antagonise them with inflammatory language.
You don't swear, but you IMPLY things that are just as bad.
Mike, only in a "matured" and "respected " way. Plus you have to emphasize with capital letters.
I love cursing, can I do that here?
I am talking about my general behavior. But I completely agree with you, time will come that you need to act what you think is right. I am not just use to FOUL language. It's not a norm in our and my household. I really feel uncomfortable with such words!
I was raised to be respectful to everybody flor. Life has taught me to disrespect who disrespects me. Only natural in common-day society. I do not offer the other cheek to who slaps me - I slap back harder. Sorry, but this cruel World is just that - cruel!
now its me badmouthing who? Do you even know what badmouthing is? And excuse me, I am not using effing to you, I'm just citing that many those who use such word as an ordinary word. It's only now that I use it and I feel uncomfortable. You can label me as you want but the fact remains that "sour graping" is the norm of the day. If sour graping is badmouth to you, I don't know how will you rate the words used on me many times here!
you are arrogant and badmouthing the people who don't think Qatar should have gotten the bid, or even those who simply want to discuss the issues it opens up. You keep referring to "sour graping" and telling people to grow up so is that not badmouthing? It is my book. I don't care that you are badmouthing us, but I just want you to stop being such a hypocrite.
BTW, I didn't use bad language with you but you used the term "effing" with me, mr. holier-than-thou-flor.
Why apologize? All of the criticisms of the bid still stand, only now we all get to sit back and see if Qatar can pull this off. I certainly hope they can cause I'd hate to see Qatar fail, but I also still worry that they've bit off more than they can chew, and that's a worry echoed by ALOT of people including many Qatari's.
(Frankly with the way they've been driving since the announcement I'm not sure there'll be any Qatari's left to attend the cup!)
As for Flor. I really think you missed out on your true calling Flor. You should be living in China and teaching at re-education camps.
but we met at least once. And honestly, I have high regards of you but it seems that my position on this topic has quite really affect that look. Anyway, I don't take it personally what is happening here on QL and the other site. I just don't like people starting to use foul words when discussing something.
I was raised that way to be respectful of others!
Excuse me flor.... do you know me? Do you know where I am from? Then don't guess! And specially don't LOL as it makes you look like a child when you post... Oh sorry! Truth's out!
BTW - my country bid for the WC too. Had big chances and needed it badly to boost the economy. Look at me here whining for my country (I'm not even gonna mention which as we have one of the best footballers in the World and brit absolutely admires him ;)) and slagging Qatar off after the results - NOT!
Chairboy is just sorry he “Misunderestimated” (quote George W bush) the Qatari's ego, which drove them to bribe their way into getting a bid :) don’t feel bad Chairboy just cuz you estimated somebody by their qualifications and not their wealth. Don’t underestimate the power of a ignorant wealthy man ;)
did I ever insulted anyone? The problem wih you is that you think you can say effing in such a way it's a way of your life. not me, even if I don't like anyone's comment, I don't indulge in badmouthing.
And Alumnar, many times I said, I am an Asian who does not know everything about WC but look at all the postings during the debates of the merits of the bid before and tell me, who is who? Or maybe the superiority complex really hurts? Just like Obama? Sour graping?
Chairboy - please grow a backbone. You expressed what you felt at the time, so stick to it. Qatar got the WC 2022 - congratulations to Qatar for such accomplishment! Still - your opinion is your opinion and you should stick to it, not bend over backwards.
As for flor - no comments. Mr. Know-it-all will listen to nobody anyway, let him keep loving his own posts and opinions - and specially his LOL's!
ok, then let's send our indefinite stellar LOLs! :)
care and this is all light hearted banetr, when in reality he cares enough to write long posts attacking anyone who speaks their mind and labeling it "bad-mouthing". Hence, the LOLs.
Flor, no offense but zillion LOLs at your comments - totally pointless, to say the least.
can't you keep yourself civil in discussion. What I am asking is to stop badmouthing, not the discussion. Before the decision, you are all sure that it can't happen,now that it happened, still you say not good! What's with you people? Go to US and join Obama! Lol! Will you at least accept the fact that Qatar did get it! And avoid making it personal, why? do you think I have something to do with the decision? I just wish? Double LOL!
No1 is Superior over anybody here
this aint your workplace of your dinning table
Please leave and set up your own florliving.com website, where everyone always agrees with what you type and you are the only member, so no-one can disagree or be 'superior' over you.
thanx mahn.. atleast now ya started believing... ryte on time..
"apology...aint required.. jus celebrate wid us"
just to tell other people to stop posting? Do you ever have any actual point to add to debate? Or do you just need to exercise your false sense of superiority and smugness on qatarliving since in real life no one would listen to you?
So flor, you think that opposing the bid makes someone unqualified to criticize?
In my personal opinion, Qatar had a strong campaign and this can be a good opportunity to build up this country. You can say that is pretty diverse already but there are many rules that should be looked at, especially if you want to host a major event, which is by far, the biggest television broadcast on the planet.
I loved the slang "The Time is Now" - Mabrouk Qatar, this represents hope for a better future in the middle east.
just learn to argue civilly! As I always metioned, you lose some, you win big!
Stop badmouthing! Even the sense of criticism is lost because of attitude of many who opposed the bid!
Money can buy you anything you want! Including bids :)
Chairboy, stand by what you said.
Remember, at one time, the majority believed that the World was flat.
Now the majority think Qatar should host W.C.
See where I am going....?
no worries.. everyone's entitled to their own opinion anyway... so if you didn't believe in it, it's your opinion...
Cheers and let us all celebrate... ^_^
So nice of you mate.. we all are the winners..!!
no problem chairboy... as what ice said, let's savor the moment...
Chill...Relax and soak in the moment :)