Basic Arabic Words
By qatarfalcon •
I found following links that teach VERY basic arabic
Free learning Software
I hope those links helpful and I will provide more links whenever I got
Hope u will help me to learn Arabic. Please send mention your contact number or mail to [email protected], so i can contact u.
I will be visiting Doha for the sole purpose of practicing my Arabic! I am a student of Iraqi-dialect right now, and am at the intermediate level. But my skills need strengthening, as well as my ear for the speech patterns. I'm hoping to meet with someone or some people who could help me in this endeavor. If not, maybe you can point me in a direction, insha'Allah.
I am a cool guy, mature, and easy going and studious. i'm originally from New York, and look forward to my visit to Doha (Dec 19th-Jan 1st).
Thanks for your time.
I am studying Iraqi dialect in school. I would very much like to be able to practice it with some dialect speakers in Qatar (Qataris, Iraqis, or any Gulf dialect speaker)if at all possible. I am an intermediate student, and hope to strengthen my skills in the language during my visit to Qatar for 2 weeks in December (19th-Jan 1st). Can you point me in a direction? Are you still offering to teach? And if not, are there any social type groups that gather to practice speaking in Arabic? Maybe some people at the schools in University City? UQ?
I'm excited about my trip, and look forward to meeting some friendly people (like yourself!).
If you are open to the idea of getting together to practice speaking with me, you'll be my best friend for life!
I just wanted to clear up another point. You (rather tongue in cheek) said to me:
"but.... all your vocabulary deal with maid talk lol were u planning to have an Arabic maid ?"
Actually, I remembered later that we DID in fact have an Arabic speaking cleaner when we lived in Jeddah, which was where I took the spoken language course. She was from Eritrea and her full time job was as a maid at the French Embassy, however she used to come to us once a week to clean the villa.
She was able to understand my limited Arabic and it was fun being able to communicate with her and practice my new found language on her! :D
There were 25 sections to the course and although you laugh about it, it was quite comprehensive. It was also set up by Saudia for their managing employees and wives and they probably DID have maids!
Arabic Pronunciation with english translation . Spend few minute on this perfect site . After taking this lesson .
You will learn names of animals , Planet and House Stuff . Move your mouse to any arabic word to view Eng translation.. Check this link now:::::::::
For people who are interesting for further detail just send me email and I will do my best
i read the topic alone but not the hread and now u make my work ease...
qatarfalcon gave some websites to help us plebs learn Arabic!
I'm just having a go at Frog, because although I'm trying to learn the lingo he's putting me down about it! lol
hello please some one suggest some regualar arabic words..... or else suggest the website to learn is really a wonderful language.
hello please some one suggest some regualar arabic words..... or else suggest the website to learn is really a wonderful language.
I'm trying to learn Arabic and you're knocking my efforts.
I don't have a '3' sound in my vocabulary based on the lessons I learned and from the books and tapes I have.
I have a '9' as in 9aleykum and a '4' as in tibr4a and a '2' as in el2eyr.
I admire people who try to speak another language no matter how many errors they make (which can sometimes be amusing and I laugh at my own mistakes) what I don't like is someone who 'smirks' about someone's efforts to learn.
You are very patronising.
and it's disappeared.
Insha"llah .
[img_assist|nid=61287|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
jauntie lol ,
sorry I didn't mean to hurt :) lol I'm not even sure u were hurt :D
the "9" normally means phonetically "ق" not the "ع" sound. "ع" would be " 3" :)
[img_assist|nid=61287|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
we all have to start somewhere with languages ... the course took us further as it went on.
weyn ta9allemt 9arabiy? in Morroco?
ta9allemtuw fi jidda, and I'm bloody proud of how much I learnt too!
Please don't knock the fact that I tried and still do try to speak another language, you remind me too much of the 'put you down' school teachers I remember too well.
If I speak Arabic with a bad accent, then I'm sorry, but how else does one learn. Yes. I'm cross! I'm cross because you are being patronising, when I'm trying to learn something here.
Merci :) and 34 is not that "too late " :) just please try to start a PhD in QU , that would suit my plans :)
[img_assist|nid=61287|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
I'll have my PHd even if I have to wait till I'm 90 years old :D Inchallah. I'm a real stubborn man.
jauntie ,
hey u never paid the few lessons I gave u last time :d
but.... all your vocabulary deal with maid talk lol were u planning to have an Arabic maid ?
[img_assist|nid=61287|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
because it doesn't seem to have the verb 'to be' so it was refreshing to be able to say, simply:
You want you drink?
You want you sit ?
instead of the cumbersome equivalents in English grammar:
would you like a drink ?
would you care to take a seat ?
etc. I love it!
Now I am inspired to get back to relearning what I learnt!
PM, Alexa ,
lol , First I'm not that young :d Second I also have a MA :P Then,....for the American citizenship you're right . My Morroccan one is far enough humdullilah. Then.....What about My application PM ? still not on process ? I have already started an internship to know all the details about the HOUSEKEEPER's job :D
btw , PM I have already applied to a position in QU , but they said the job was given to someone before even the AD was published on their Website . Quite credible :)
[img_assist|nid=61287|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
I know Arabic but I have no merits for that :d 'cause it's my native language:) but.... I'm starting a linguitic research on differences and similarities between our Moroccan Dialect and the Qatari's one. So I may need your help in the future when I'll start making questionarries or surveys :) Inchallah.
[img_assist|nid=61287|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
I totally surprised from some QL member who knows arabic that is fantastic.
Arabic is very simple language(as it's my native language) but there are different accent in arab country .
For example my accent is qatari and is same as whole gulf arabian people except some different words like
in qatari we say speak as (Tahaja or Qool) in UAE it is (Termass ) ..
Iam glad to help anyone who is interesting , just send me your words and I will do my best
eysh tib4iyniy asaawiy taaniy? = What do you want me (to do) next
it's correct, but as you know within a conversation we try to be brief and avoid repetition :)
it's like the English forms : What else ? short questions : Do you , Does he ...etc?
What again ---->implies : What should I do again after I have finished the first task ?
Your Arabic is quite understandable, but I wonder how you pronounce it :D
[img_assist|nid=61287|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
Jauntie - Why don't you invite Frog to accompany you on the 13th March :)
it says that
eysh tib4iyniy asaawiy taaniy? = What do you want me (to do) next.
And yes, lol, I knew I was playing both roles, just didn't put the A said, and B then said, into the post.
But you understood my Arabic!!!!!! weeeeeeeeeeeee
jauntie lol .
It's actually Maid language :d but you're doing both roles :D
ok Now seriously :
eysh asaawiy bihaada? إيش أسوي بهدا؟ً What would you like me to do with this ?
eysh huwa? إيش هوا ؟ What is it ?
kursiy كرسي a chair .
OK Huttuw fi'el4urfa حطو في الغرفة . Put it inside the room .
eysh tib4iyniy asaawiy taaniy? What again ?
إيش تبغيني أسوي تاني؟
Kaniss كنس do the cleaning / clean the floor ...
[img_assist|nid=61287|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
multi-arabfrench :D
or should that have been 'amrAK' cos I said it to a male ... hmm
eysh asaawiy bihaada?
eysh huwa?
OK Huttuw fi'el4urfa
eysh tib4iyniy asaawiy taaniy?
I'm hoping the Jeddah dialect would be passable, if a little awkward (lol) here in Qatar?
(you will see I was taught how to order maids about, even though I never had one!!!! LMAO)
lol well ladies :) I'm ready to teach you for free :) Just wait and be patient, I'll go on vacation on Marsh , then when back to DOha , we may do some Linguistic gatherings . Much more important than those useless trips :D
Hala bikome kolokome :) Btw u have to specify : would you like to learn Standard arabic or Qatari dialect ?
img_assist|nid=61287|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
lol QS...kuwaisah = good (in response to how are you)...i'm not neither...just following instructions from coaches around me in the office..they love teaching expats ya know...and so you know im the only non speaking arabic in our department/building which you would imagine the pressure whenever all of them are speaking to one another...hahahahahaha..
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
YEARS ago now, but it was good fun and I still have the tapes and exercise books. Saudia ran the course. I was very keen in those days and wrote out all the declination of verbs etc
However, I learned Jeddah dialect and when we were in Iraq they thought I'd learnt my Arabic in Kuwait LOL
I think it's understandable to most Arab speakers, though ... only one way to find out!
elHamdilla shukran habibti
It's been a while and when I make verbal errors I make 'em BIG time! lol
I better start listening to my tapes again whilst I'm jogging on that treadmill.
I am not as advanced yet.. even not close to, I even don't know what is kuwaisah... I know what is Tamam, but kuwaisah?......
and I don't understand jauntie at all...
I have a lot to catch i guess....
This Too Shall Pass.....
[img_assist|nid=71431|title=magic ring|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
'gulp' Not the first time I've got that one mixed up LMAO
tib4A Haliyb wa sukkar?
tamam..... kuwaisah...
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Marhaba, Sabah AlKher....kifak? sho ahbarak?
This Too Shall Pass.....
[img_assist|nid=71431|title=magic ring|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
jauntie ,
lol ana b'khir humdullellah :) Abeeee achrab shay , momken ? :d
img_assist|nid=61287|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
kiyf Haalak al yom?
tib4A tishrab gahwa?
sabah lkh'eir :)
I checked the link , it's interesting but phonetically it's better to learn by practising with native speakers . The transcriptions on the site are a bit nisleading. My advice ....your choice :)
[img_assist|nid=61287|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
jauntie :)
I volunteer :D I'll be your laboratory mouse LOL
[img_assist|nid=61287|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
I will check those links out. I really need to remind myself of the Arabic I tried learning a couple of decades ago in Jeddah. I rarely get the chance to practice it on anyone these days though.