Brit in Dubai cell choked on own vomit
Not ruling anything out of course before the official (and no doubt family post mortem) results, but this is a highly likely scenario, rather than being beaten to death, another Brit dies of choking on vomit.
I suppose what other nations fail to understand is that the UK is a 'Nanny State' this means that whatever you do, if you are injured, its not your fault and the state has to compensate you.
Had this been in the UK the police involved would be suspended and possibly sacked (maybe even facing manslaughter charges) for not ensuring the prisoners safety, the relatives could expect a five or six figure payout.
Its a mad country, but thats why it is bankrupt
Steve, you are obviously new to this part of the world. When I arrived there were daily bulletins of people who had been arrested, confessed, and then given hospital treatment (for burglery). Law enforcement here has a different connotation (and legal application) to those in other countries.
.. and the way the guys in Dubai from top to bottom were going about denying and lying about it just goes to show that something is terribly wrong out there and it might someday come to haunt them
I want to drink whatever he was drinking, making him choke on his vomit after 6 days. Must be some great stuff.
must be a weird folk.. (r.i.p.) choking on own vomit ??? now i cant digest that.... so i puke it out.
He choked on his own vomit, 6 days after he was arrested drunk?!
Obviously somebody is not telling the truth!
To be safe, better stay away from Dubai – a country built on greed, vain vanity and hypocrisy!
don’t know how much Tony Blair will PAY for his Iraq lies/adventures/atrocities……??
I'm pretty sure the cops in Dubai will also face consequences for leaving the prisoner unattended or not monitoring him sufficiently. I doubt they will be sacked, but I'm sure they will be reprimanded and possibly suspended.
steve1 is your view against their word.a very good phrase i would like to put forth, "objects in mirror are closer than they appear".now where did i see this phrase?