Live in U.S. and recently purchased a Chevrolet Equinox AWD (Suv). Now may have opportunity of moving to Qatar and wonder whether should bring car or sell (at significant loss, probably) and purchase another auto in Qatar. My concern with bringing auto to Qatar is availability of parts and competent mechanics should it need service. Thank you.
Mugaini... Aswell as the technical difficulties with the differing specifications (only real problem is engine cooling system is often problematic), there are several other problems.
1. If your car is under a dealers warranty, then it is not valid here.
2. If its a particular option not sold in doha, parts will be a problem.
3. Some unscrupulous Dealers will charge you (5000-10000 riyals) just to register you on their computer for servicing. This is done to discourage import of newer cars to safeguard dealers sales.
4. If your car is more than 5 years old, you will have a hard time getting it in unless its some kind of collectable classic.
Bottom line....? sell it.
Thanks. You convinced me that it would be best to sell car before departing.
Its a huge hassle to import the Car from outside..I brought mine and now regret could have sold...Also US Spec Cars are difficult to repair in the Gulf...
If you can , avoid...
I think your main concern should be the fact that the car is US spec, and as such may not be equipped with the powerful GCC spec airconditioners that you find in cars here. I'm no techie, you definately should verify it does indeed make a difference, because it gets HOT is summer.
Consider the import duty you will pay on the car, and the cost of transport before you make a decision.
Good Luck :)