Chic Nails - Bio Sculpture Nails
By kiwikitten •
I have been browsing through the Tuesday Ladies Group website and I came across and ad for Chic Nails saying that bio sculpture nails are available here - does anyone know if this is still the case. I have bio sculpture nails and am about to have them removed before coming to Doha but if I can have them done here I will not get them removed - they are fantastic
how much is it exactly as i have never tried any of it , all i have is my original nails.......thanks
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
the thing about these places is that it is so expensive to keep up the maintenance...
i have been - she did a better job than i have done back home
Yes they can be done at Chic Nails- 583-3913
She does a fantastic job, and has a lovely salon in her home.