The Contact Button
What's the use? Keep on using it to report abuse and yet, same people are making it a common thing, shouting FOUL languages on main board. The auto deletion can not do it since it is written in the vernacular. The Mods is helpless in dealing with this non-English foul words. It's very annoying to those who understand it! They are literally asking for a fight by using these foul words! When will it stop?
instead of tat contact button, u just dial 999.....:)
yup.... u r rite flor!!
QL is a free battle ground these days.....Keep trying. HOPE it works some day.
i think mods are very strict but the QL members are not,
dont worry in a polite way we can make things right....
Hope MODs should become stricter with the FOUL languages being used on QL...
...I've tried it and most of the time (not everytime), it has worked.
QL cant be as YOU like
dont worry my dear they are trying to change the program
now to help others...