Corniche Mating Dances
I am a corniche walker - I dont run it or see it as a sporting activity. But have noticed as the temeperatures cool that the place is getting busy, especially after sundown. Another rising trend is the curious and elaborate stretches and poses that people are doing on the grassy areas, some of these are like extreme forms of yoga and look painful to perform. Initially I thought these must be some sort of super athletes stretching out the muslce pains after harsh training or preparing for a super sprint or endurance run, But it seems they do the stretches only as never see them walking or running. This has made me think the displays are not for any athletic purpose but more like a peacock display to allure the attention of passers by, I've tried to perform such an act myself but my skills are limited to a stretching to touch my toes but this is often accompanied by breaking wind - this seems to offend rather than attract people to my performance.
u know dude? just mind ur own business or rather, join them!!!!! =)
Life is nothing without friends.... :)
QL.... just a (very nice) way of live..... :)
Depends on dinner the night before - spicy foods could cause blindness in passers by.
Qatars best known Pirate - Yaarr!
Life is nothing without friends.... :)
QL.... just a (very nice) way of live..... :)
Maybe we should arrange a group class at the corniche - a stretch and tone event something like this:
Qatars best known Pirate - Yaarr!
LOL K666!
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
What ever doesn't pay rent has to go.
Life is nothing without friends.... :)
QL.... just a (very nice) way of live..... :)