Dealing w/ difficult people w/o going insane
Comments on the web don’t get wet. But I imagined that if they were written on paper, they’d look like used tissue paper. It seems like everyone on the planet has a difficult person to mingle with, Errr, I mean to grapple with. But i wish many would answer this question,-----
----- “What special gifts do Difficult People give you?
I loved to hear your answers. Perhaps i could made up a list down to a hundred gifts, but keeping the list short will make it easier to appreciate.
Here are some 3 big gifts you receive from difficult people.
Gift #1:
Difficult people can teach you how to love, preparing you how to be happy! You learn to become more patient, more understanding, more persevering. You have pity for them because you realize that “Hurt people hurt people”. You learn to see the good qualities even among difficult people.
Gift #2:
Difficult people can teach you to protect yourself
and learn to say “No” to abuse. You learn to love yourself, respect yourself, by no longer allowing abuse. You learn to be courageous and stand up against criticisms.
Gift #3:
Difficult people can help you get to know your weaknesses. Difficult people remind you that you too could be difficult to others. By seeing the tragic results of their actions, you’re inspired to do the very opposite of what they do.
For you... How do you deal w/ difficult people w/o going insane? ... “What special gifts do Difficult People give you?
being crazy is command of a demonic will ... but how come insanity made revelry of ones choice...?
~~~winner never quits~~~
my man can be stubborn, difficult, obstinate, obnoxious, moody and rude but I wouldn't have him any other way as 99.9% he isnt any of the above :)
i just told him i learned to love him whatever he is...
thats the sweetest gift you've got in yours shane23...
~~~winner never quits~~~
lol theres honesty for you :)
i'm on the situation of dealing with the craziest and most difficult person i ever met and worst he's the one i love...
Don't mess with me, in harder than difficult.
Never go younger by a month, a hard bod is no substitute for wisdom.
-Angelica Houston, Material Girls
Pope, send me the list with "failed" ones.
I'll take good care.
If you see evil in others, it is actually the reflection of your own evil feelings
Difficult people could always visit my Confession Booth anytime.
I'm always receiving confessions from chismosas-sos , loca-locos and those that put their business out to every one in public all the time...
And let's dedicate ourselves to what the Greeks wrote so many years ago: to tame the savageness of man and make gentle the life of this world. Let us dedicate ourselves to that, and say a prayer for our country and for our people.
oh, ok, just tell em to bugger orf......
"It is dangerous to be sincere unless you are also stupid."
- George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
People who are rude or with an attitude, in some cases they are customers, collegues or even bosses ... I would describe them as people lacking emotional intelligence and are very much self centred...
This is of course my own difinition so please add more comments if you have a different view
"The best way to predict the future is to create it".
anyone could manage to live with people that came across into their lives... but not to dwell along with the evil inside in them...
~~~winner never quits~~~
I wish I could realize that they are a gift or give me gifts in the very moment they are annoying me...
explain 'difficult people'......
"It is dangerous to be sincere unless you are also stupid."
- George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
If you see evil in others, it is actually the reflection of your own evil feelings
Live and let Live...
Hard to keep up with this one this time...
Yet I inssist to do so
What is perfect, why are they difficult...could it because you are...
need to look into the matter from different points of view to get the acctual picture,
We all look at the same thing, yet see different things..
Welcome to life
Math 4 All
the ability to test my patience and tolerence ...seriously improve my emotional intellegence.... one should be thankful to those ..
"The best way to predict the future is to create it".
give me the ability to reach out.....
and punch them!!!! :)