Did a Meteor Impact form Doha Bay Corniche?
Hi all, I cant help but keep wondering about the perfect circle shape of Doha Bay. Along with a little nipple right in the middle that is typical of many meteor impact photos.
Every time I look at a map of Doha:
I cant stop thinking about what intense event occurred here long ago.
I was wondering if anyone knows about any information about this.
lol MD...always a pleasure giving a smile (maybe even a chuckle) to those who need it...
Don't be sorry, ClimbHigh. You gave me a chance to see mjamille smile. What a happy day!
Oops, thanks for yall input.
Now i feel little bit stupid all my visions of the impact and all. lol doh!
of course i know that MD, i was only messing with you... i am always smiling...
I only say these things to see you smile, mj. Worked!
listen to Prof. MD har har har......
there should be shocked quartz, glass fragments, and an Iridium peak. Anybody found this in Doha Bay? And by definition meteors do not hit earth, the moment they do this they are called meteorites.
click for bigger image
Not quite the right angle, but you can see the shape hasn't always been the same
I don't think it was always that shape. There has been some land removal and reclamation over the years.
or, it could be that it was like that eversince....much easier to think of it that way than look for scientific evidences of meteor impact... lol
Can't be true.. A meteor strike would have wiped out most of the Indians..
Baldrick - Qatar's answer to Google ;o)
However, if you like to go and dredge out the sand and find out how deep the rock is ....
Baldrick - Qatar's answer to Google ;o)