Domestic Workers to get better Deal in Qatar.
Qatar has proposed a new law governing the relationship between domestic workers and their employers that would make it compulsory for sponsors to provide them with suitable accommodation and healthcare, Including paying their salary thru Banks on time.
I hope this will be very strictly implemented and applies to the labourers as well.
It is a start, but it depends on what they view of "suitable accomodation", like how many people is deemd acceptable in one room.. I also agree with AA, the NOC leaves you at the mercy of the employer, that should be the first to go..
Healthcare and salary in the bank is a good move, but who will moniter this for the employers who abuse the laws and if the employee takes action through the law how costly will this be for them..
Give it time.. lets appreciate the move and lookforward for more...
Give it time.. lets appreciate the move and lookforward for more...
As AbuAmerican said Qatar Sucks BECAUSE OF THESE ISSUES. If making laws is the only way that people can begin to be treated fairly... what does that say about the Qatari people?
AbuAmerican, says it all, i second motion...
Not only that but the Embassies ae also on the alert, the Sria Lankan Embassy for instance has asked all employment agencies to get their documents approved in the embassy and stamped byt the embassy. They have a list of criteias which the employment agent has to fulfill including visitation of the living quarters. So things are improving I don't know about the personal house maid situation though. BTW salaries have been raised too.