How does all these fraudsters get in to Qatar living??? I'm looking for a iPhone 4S, but all I get are these scams to get our money like this guy..
cant anyone block them? I cannot believe people are still getting scammed by these guys.
How to identify these phony phones??
these are the normal specs:
iPhone 4S for less than 2000/-
phony phone number
very detailed specs
unlocked, brand new
bad English
Mods, please block these guys, because they are ruining a good service for the people.
whyonlyme, I dont have any problem with selling. u can sell your own b***s for all i care.. I just dont like the fact these frauds are taking advantage of pepole.
Just be careful on dealing with those obvious hoaxs/fraud seller. they usually ask you to communicate with them through e-mail or skype and will ask you for wire transfer. do not waste your time/effort to ask them to be blocked or banned for lifetime they will just change their e-mail and register as a new user then walla! waiting for another victim.
Look Buddy This a Buggy Bug World and Evry Thing In Ths World Goes For Sale Its U who has to decide what u want to buy or not !!!