French terror strike foiled, Eiffel Tower was targeted

By qatman

London: A plot by Islamic terrorists to blow up the Eiffel Tower, which could have been the French 9/11, has been unearthed.

A scrambled short-wave radio conversation exposing the planned attack on the world's most visited monument was picked up by Portuguese air traffic controllers and passed on to French intelligence.

The 1,060 ft high tower has on an average more than 16,000 visitors a day and a successful strike on the iron tower could result in the loss of thousands of lives.

The plot was uncovered in a ''vague and muffled'' radio conversation picked up by air traffic controllers in Lisbon, the Daily Mail reported.

A police source close to France's DST intelligance agency said, ''It was a muffled conversation in Arabic that was passed on to us as a matter of course, but our analysts clearly identified the threat.''

''Security at the tower was already tight, but is now being stepped up.''

The plot comes in the wake of other threats made in recent days on the websites linked to Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda terror network, calling for the ''brothers of Islam to strike Paris.''

By anonymous• 13 Jan 2008 21:19

'so der iz mi risin 4 nt lokng' :-)

now we understan 1 anoder...we stand on da sem grownd

By anonymous• 13 Jan 2008 21:14

juantie der iz post bout my english:

u free 2 tok how much u like 'stupid half text language'

welcum 4 any gud critisize

By jauntie• 13 Jan 2008 21:14

Just don't understand why you persist. I haven't seen the thread.

Not in the mood to go look either, so der iz mi risin 4 nt lokng


Lord, keep Your arm around my shoulder and Your hand over my mouth

By jauntie• 13 Jan 2008 20:51

when you obviously speak english well, why do you persist in typing in this stupid half text language?

I think I know who you are, just can't remember the ID. It was when you made a comment which was the same as another QLers signature - I can't place it at the moment.

Were you in the USA and now back in Qatar? Had an eagle on your signature? Legal Eagle :D

Lord, keep Your arm around my shoulder and Your hand over my mouth

By anonymous• 13 Jan 2008 20:43

i know u want only muslim ppl living in da urope r rong & not citizens, but ol oder migrants r normal. wen i 2 show u rong, u mek person atak..but dis normal frm ppl like u ho tok nonsens

By anonymous• 13 Jan 2008 19:14

'If you believe the system of the country is wrong, and do not wish to adapt to it, you ought to leave that country....Adapting is to mix with the other people in this country,to understand and practice the ethics of the country...'

so jordan citizen woman 2 leev her country coz she not like da system/she not like 2 cover her hair? sweden citizen man (any religin) 2 leev hiz country coz he not adapt da ethics/he not like mix wid gay marej/drug & alkohol wierd ppl? we 2 punish him & tek his nashinalism coz he prefer mix wid normal polite ppl? we 2 condem him if he 2 teach hiz doter 2 marry da man if she wish 2 mek da family?

not problem at ol if turkish ppl in germany mix ol da time...not problem at ol if cuba/colombia/jamacan ppl in usa mix ol da time

By eva37de• 13 Jan 2008 16:12

perfectly explained!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you........

By anonymous• 13 Jan 2008 14:28
Rating: 2/5

agree alexa

but wat 2 put definishin 4 'adapt'?

if da ppl/system of da country i 2 liv in iz wrong/agresiv/moral-les i not need adapt...if i 2 live in USSR iz not i must 2 adapt & agree to 'tradition and culture' of USSR 2 atak afganistan or put nucs in cuba coz using nuc wepon iz da most evil.

u say moh'd ali clay not american coz he 2 refuz adapt to vetnam war?

u say any man in denmark refuz gay marej in denmark iz not citizen?

u say any woman in jordan not 2 cover her hair iz not adapt 2 'traditions and culture' & iz not jordan citizen?

i also 2 say:

'It is all a matter of choice'

By KellysHeroes• 13 Jan 2008 14:15
Rating: 2/5

Recently in Europe and the security forces are on high alert specially in France and Germany.

In Lebanon a group of terrorists was captured a couple of days ago and they had plans to attack target in Germany (that is officially disclosed) and the Lebanese government did officially inform the German government about a specific target which is the Ministry of Justice.

To hell all the terrorists and whoever is behind them.


By anonymous• 13 Jan 2008 11:19


thx for clarifying :)God bless you.


Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise

By anonymous• 13 Jan 2008 10:04

dear juantie...u tink i abel 2 folo da post 'Proper Insults'? of cors not! 2 much dificult 4 me. but i 2 mek complen 2 u & 2 oder ppl? NO!

i giv u plan wat 2 do wen u not abel 2 folo: LEEV IT :-)

By Scarlett• 13 Jan 2008 10:00


By Scarlett• 13 Jan 2008 09:55

meant the people who called the bearded men terrorists were bigoted.

By anonymous• 13 Jan 2008 09:53

Scarlett ?? I just didn't get your point ? who are you referring to as short sighted / bigoted/idiotic ?

"however, being short sighted/bigoted/idiotic is NOT a good excuse for being ignorant of others. "


Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise

By jauntie• 13 Jan 2008 02:56
Rating: 3/5

your comments were sane!

I found a quote, left behind from 9/11 and the London bombings - not sure who said it, but basically, in the current most previlent newsworthy events, it has a ring to it:

"NOT all Muslims are terrorists, but all these terrorists are Muslims."

Same as the not all Catholics were IRA terrorists, but the ones who bombed innocent people were!

Lord, keep Your arm around my shoulder and Your hand over my mouth

By anonymous• 13 Jan 2008 00:52
Rating: 3/5

'they may be passport holders or refugees, but they are neither Swedish nor nor from any other western country'

meaning ol da ppl came 2 america frm da urope (irland, italy, germany, poland etc) dey only pasport holders now.

'and funny thing that, but Carlos dont mek da attak, Ali and Hassan etc mek da atak. Surprise, surprise!'

but carlos actuly mek da atak on opec oil minsters & mek many oder atak in da world. surprise surprise.

ali & hasan only defence & mek agresor 2 taste sem poisin ...& dis iz fer.

must 2 remember 4 evry 'muslim teroris' der waz da 'crusify war' 2 push him 2 action

By ngourlay• 13 Jan 2008 00:38

When the IRA was in business in the UK, none of the broadcasters ever referred to them as Catholic terrorists, because the majority of Irish Catholics didn't support their methods.

It would be better if the journalists spent a little more time explaining the terrorists' aims. For example, "A plot by a terrorist group who wish to introduce a worldwide caliphate by force..."

Anyone who uses "Islamic terrorists" is just being lazy.


By Scarlett• 13 Jan 2008 00:18

excellent generous of you to offer the Blackpool tower...

I think however that the French would be a bit upset since it isn't quite in the same frame as the Eiffel...but the thought was lovely!!! On another WOULD you get it over there????? Through the Maginot line?? That worked SO well during WWII....

By adey• 12 Jan 2008 22:04

Do they kill in the name of Thor, wanting to subjugate the world with Abba songs whilst building uni-sex saunas in every town? Ah the terror of the Swedes, they only make the safest cars in the world to lull us all into a false sense of security!!

“Believing as I do that man in the distant future will be a far more perfect creature than he now is, it is an intolerable thought that he and all other sentient beings are doomed to complete annihilation after such long-continued slow progress. To those who fully admit the immortality of the human soul, the destruction of our world will not appear so dreadful.”

Charles Darwin

By anonymous• 12 Jan 2008 21:36

1.wat is 'terorsm'/ho iz da 'terorist'?

2.if carlos mek da atak on opec oil minster, we 2 col it 'kristian/catholic teror'?

3.allah say 2 atak da ppl/countryz who atak u, so yes, sum of defens fite iz 4 da nem of allah

4.beter 2 col da 'teroris' by der country: swedish teroris, afgani teroris, u.s teroris, saudi teroris, colombean teroris..etc (keep in da mind dat swedish & u.s teroris r origin arab-muslim...hahaha)

By Oryx• 12 Jan 2008 19:08

any way if something happens to the eiffel tower... us brits can lend them the blackpool tower till they rebuild it.

Which is a more helpful comment than some of the others i have read on this thread ;)

By Scarlett• 12 Jan 2008 18:55

I just appreciate your ability to see beyond the end of the nose...and be honest without being judgemental...and for that I thank you...not a lot do that on here..

By Scarlett• 12 Jan 2008 18:53
Rating: 4/5

of terrorism isn't over...wish it was and that everyone would get along but it isn't and they aren' until they do, they will keep taking secure measures and busting up terrorist plans.

By anonymous• 12 Jan 2008 18:51

the reason why I proposed the term 'Arab terrorist' is because the whole article is about interrupting a muffled conversation in Arabic.

By Scarlett• 12 Jan 2008 18:50

think that all people who have beards are terrorists..of any religion...Fear causes that response and there is plenty of reason for many to have fear on certain occasions..however, being short sighted/bigoted/idiotic is NOT a good excuse for being ignorant of others.

I still do NOT believe that false stories are all that common..I don't mind all the security at checkpoints and airports. I don't mind being pulled aside and body checked or questioned..because..its for the safety of ALL...and still say that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure...

By Scarlett• 12 Jan 2008 18:46

deprive them of their appropriate!! Yep...I DO like that...thanks again Hashin...

By anonymous• 12 Jan 2008 18:46


I beg to differ with you on your last commet. I have many freinds who were called terrorists because they have a beard :) .... and I know what was meant by such a news at that specefic time. Sarkozy is trying to diverge people's attention by creating fake stories. It's so fashionable today to talk about Terrorists and neglect internal serious social affairs :)


Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise

By anonymous• 12 Jan 2008 18:44
Rating: 4/5

Carey: Drop 'Islamic terror' tag

The term Islamic should be dropped when referring to terrorists in a bid to foster better relations between the West and Islam, Lord Carey says.

The former Archbishop of Canterbury said removing the word would "deprive a terrorist of his religious legitimacy".

It would also send a clear message to "the average Muslim" that they were not being blamed for terrorist attacks.

His comments come after Muslim leaders expressed concern about a growing gulf between the Islamic world and the West.

Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has warned that linking international terrorism and Islam was damaging.

"There is an urgent need to stop tarnishing the Muslim world by unfair stereotypes," he told the United Nations this week.

Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf has also said there is an "iron curtain" falling between the Islamic world and the West.

However, Lord Carey said that while there was a divide, he wanted to resist using such a serious phrase as "iron curtain".

The terrorist... wants religious justification for his evil deeds, and we shouldn't give it to him

"There is a lot of hope in the situation, but I certainly want to say the situation is serious.

"We must do more about it, and it's a question of everyone pulling together," he told BBC Radio 4's Today programme.

He had begun a personal campaign "to challenge anyone who talks about Islamic terrorists", Lord Carey added.

"I think we have to drop the word Islamic because in so doing we deprive the terrorist of his religious legitimacy.

"He wants religious justification for his evil deeds, and we shouldn't give it to him," Lord Carey said.

"And second, by dropping Islamic before terrorist we are taking a lot of pressure off the average Muslim who simply doesn't want to be portrayed as a fellow murderer."

By Scarlett• 12 Jan 2008 18:39

I can see your point tho...most islamic/Arab folks are not terrorists...and the term Islamic/Arab terrorists, give them a bad rap. Problem is tho that if the world just called them "terrorists"..the group responsible gets all bent out of shape because THEY didn't get credit for their destruction...seen that happen too many times before..and then they strike again to prove a point, get THEIR name in the paper. Course...trying to make sense with someone that isn't all together there in the first place is like a spinning around in circles and trying to walk straight..ain't gonna happen...

By anonymous• 12 Jan 2008 18:34


By anonymous• 12 Jan 2008 18:32

how bout 'Arab terrorists'?

By Scarlett• 12 Jan 2008 18:30

I beg to differ with you on your "imaginary" issue...I had friends that died in 9/11.

Like anything else, preventative measures can save lives. Common sense can tell you that. These are preventive measures.

By Scarlett• 12 Jan 2008 18:28

if the people who were involved were Islamic and planned to strike like they were going to..what would YOU call them? Not trying to stir up trouble, just curious as to what terminology should be used?

By anonymous• 12 Jan 2008 18:19

is oxymoronic and very demeaning

By anonymous• 12 Jan 2008 16:01

Another Imaginary story about an Imaginary enemy called "islamic terrorist" to justify additional "security" top secret budgets and to keep alive that "ghost". Sarkozy should take care about other social issues that are more threatening than any teerorist "menace".


Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise

By hassan1024• 12 Jan 2008 15:54

No sign of this on BBC or anything yet...

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Why, it's a flying Dane!!

By anonymous• 12 Jan 2008 15:36

a fake story

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