Grandparents birthday
Today is a very happy and unusual day of my life -for it is the birthday of my my grandfather and also that of his wife, my grandmother. Yes, the pair of them share the same birthdate though not year of course.
My grandfather celebrates his 92nd birthday today and grandma her 88th birthday.
They have been married since 1943,which makes this year their 66th year of being together.
They have 3 children, who are 64, 62 and 60 years old- one of whom is my mother.
My grandparents have given me some of the happiest memories of my childhood and I will always cherish them.
I have tried to take my children to all those places and tried to recreate some of the old magic.
I am ever so grateful to them for having been in our lives and blessing us each day for so long.
I just felt I had to share this with the QLers.
welcome Aunt Polly,.. well, it's never too late to wish a happy birthday right? :)
Thank you all of you- Alexa, mjamille,PM, Formatted soul.
I thought this thread was closed as it is a new day today.
Thanks to all of you who cared to continue to remember and wish my grandparents and UK Eng' s parents the very best.
Also PM, wish your parents a long , happy and healthy married life.
It seems rare these days to find couples living together this long or is it getting commoner, I wonder ?
Happy Birthday to your Grandparents! May God bless them with the strength and the best of health to see many more years to come and more Grandchildrean and great grandchildren and great great grandchildren.
God Bless them
:P hmmmmm is that a fact..
well, 2 more years and your parents would reach the same record as Aunt Polly's grandparents..
No Infact I am the Second Oldest at 61..:)
UkEng are you the oldest son by any chance? lol just kidding.. :P
66 years of togetherness, wow that's very rare.. Feliz cumpleaños to both of them..
My parents are about to celebrate their 59th anniversary (at 79 and 80) and I hope they will have as many wonderful years together as your grandparents.
God bless.
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
UkEng did you miss Anyone ? :)
UKEng... wow what a big family...God bless your family...:)
I wish I had a big family....
Thank you drsam.
Yeah often children prefer their grandparents to their parents.
My little daughter who turned 10 this year says - I have reached a two digit number ( in age ) and great grand pa will have reached a 3 digit number ( touch wood).
My dad is 87 this year Mom is 80, they have been married for 64 years.they have 8 children (alive) Oldest of their son is 63 and the youngest 38.. they have 48 grandchildren and 42 great grandchildren so far..
still 9 years, and they'll blow their 75 years wedding candle! that's diamond!
yes grand parents r the best. they never say no to a child! to the degree of spoiling them!
god bless all the grandparents!
Oh, people can come up with statistics to prove anything, Kent. 14% of people know that.
Do you have grandparents this old too?
Share some of your memories and thoughts too with us.
Sounds a bit like my family..
Thank you Formatted Soul and UkEng.
They have 7 grandchildren, 6 of whom are married of whom 5 grandchildren have 9 children which makes them the great grandparents of 9 children.
Their one desire is to see my cousin's , who has been married for about 11 years now, children.
Some times I feel it is this desire that keeps them going.
I think grandparents are what make our lives so worth living,
they are made for each other..
Moving on is simple; it's what you leave behind that makes it so difficult .
How sweet... that they are together for so long..
Amazingly this post gives
1 2 3 4 5 points on QL..
Happy Birthday to your Grandparents..:)
Its really blessing to grow up with grandparents around..
Wow!! 66 yrs of togetherness.. not everyone will get it...They are truly blessed couple...
May God give them good health forever!!